Typing SVG

Back End Developer

"Climb is difficult but the view worth it"


Connect with me:

rodrigofa216 rodrigo-flores-ea roy.fa.712 yst_roy RodrigoEmmanuelFA#2173

Or WhatsApp me ;)

🔥 My Stats :

Rodrigo's github activity graph

🉑 Languages :

c cplusplus csharp css3 html5 javascript matlab python rust typescript arduino

🎨 Frontend Development

angular angularjs bootstrap materialize react redux tailwind vuejs

âš™ Backend development

express nestjs nodejs electron nextjs

📱 Mobile app development

reactnative nativescript

💾 Database

sqlite mongodb firebase mysql oracle postgresql

🗃 DevOps

aws azure docker jenkins kubernetes

🎆 Frameworks

dotnet django electron flask

🕹 Software

postman figma xd

🖥 Operative systems :

Windows  Debian 


- 🔭 I’m currently working on code backend with multiple lenguages and frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Laravel
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Deploy on public PaaS
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Back-end projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with PHP
- 💬 Ask me about music that actually playing and why
- 📫 How to reach me: Whatsapp
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- âš¡ Fun fact: I'm a person obsessed with cleanliness, if I see something dirty, inside me, I want to clean it