This web app is my final project for the frontend bootcamp at Ironhack Barcelona (Vue.js curriculum).
Required Functionalities • Stack • Guidelines • Grading • Timeline • Lighthouse Performance
The minimum requisits are the creaton of an app in Vue.js that is capable of registering, modifying, marking as complete and deleting tasks. It has to have a SignUp, SignIn and LogOut functionalities.
Vue.js for the functionalities, Pinia for the state management, TailwindCSS for the styling, Supabase for the backend.
The frontend has to be aesthetic and allow the use of the app. The backend, using a DBaaS platform, has to allow for the SignUp, SignIn and LogOut of the user. Once logged in, the user must be able to utilize the functionalities of the site.
The project will be evaluated based on its functionalities, documentation and design.
Display Timeline
Structuring of the Project:
- Concept and Functionalities of the web app
- Mobile-first
- Frontend with TailwindCSS
- Backend with Supabase
- Prioritization of Functionalities over Design
- Concept and Functionalities
- SignUp, SignIn y SingOut successful
- Concept and Functionalities
- SignUp, SignIn y SingOut successful
- Views with the Router Link
- Design of the Frontend
- Addition of new Functionalities
- Review on Mobile and Desktop
- Implementaation of UX/UI Feedback
- Debugging
- Design of the Frontend
- Addition of new Functionalities
- Debugging
- Review 1-on-1 with Teaching Assistant
- Deployment of the Site (Vercel or Netlify)
- Preparation of the Project Presentation
- Presentation
- Give and receive Feedback to/from peers