
Microsservice for customer management of the sales-manager architecture

Primary LanguageJava

Sales Manager Customer Service

Microsservice for customer management of the sales-manager architecture

  • URL

  • Method:

  • Request Body

      "balance": 560,
      "email": "rodrigolima@email.com",
      "name": "Rodrigo Lima",
      "password": "12345Ab#"
  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      "_id": "5f8b358e7eaaac60794a971e",
      "balance": 560,
      "name": "Rodrigo Lima",
      "email": "rodrigolima@email.com",
      "password": "12345Ab#",
      "creationDate": "2020-10-17T15:18:54.6607379",
      "updateDate": "2020-10-17T15:18:54.6607379"
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400
      "timestamp": "2020-10-17T15:16:25.7291067",
      "status": 400,
      "message": [
        "password : invalid password : rejected value [12345678]",
        "email : invalid email : rejected value [test@test]",
        "name : não deve estar em branco : rejected value []",
        "balance : não deve ser nulo : rejected value [null]"
  • URL

  • Method:

    • Path Variables


  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      "_id": "5f8b358e7eaaac60794a971e",
      "balance": 560,
      "name": "Rodrigo Lima",
      "email": "rodrigolima@email.com",
      "password": "12345Ab#",
      "creationDate": "2020-10-17T15:18:54.66",
      "updateDate": "2020-10-17T15:18:54.66"
  • Architecture:

    Alt text

    • 1 - Will receive an order and check if stock is available;
    • 2 - If has stock, will create the order and persist on MongoDB with status PROCESSING_PAYMENT;
    • 3 - The persisted order will be produced on NEW_ORDER Kafka topic;
    • 4 - Will listen to the topic and check if the customer has available balance;
    • 5 - Will produce a message on ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE Kafka topic updating the order status (APPROVED or CANCELLED);
    • 6 - Will listen to the topic, update the order status to PREPARING_FOR_SHIPPING (if order was APPROVED) and produce a message with the changes in the order;
    • 7 - Will listen to the topic and update the order status on MongoDB;
    • 8 - Will update the product stock (if order was APPROVED);
    • 9 - Occasionally will produce messages as the order status changes and persist the changes on MongoDB.