
A tool to protect kids from unwanted online videos

Tube n' kids

A tool to protect children from unwanted online videos.

Tube n' kids

Tube n' kids was created from an attempt to protect my son from undesired online videos. As a child he likes to watch his cartoons and video games, but the content filters that exist today are not enough.

My solution was to build an iOS app that uses YouTube's API to show videos. What he watches on the app gets logged and reported to me, the parent. If I find any content that I don't like, I can block a video or an entire channel, which will be then filtered out from his feed.

Parental area in the iOS app

Parental area in the web app

It is not a silver bullet. It does not stop bad content from showing up. It does not make it OK to handle and iPad to the kids and let them watch videos alone all day. It does not remove from the parents the responsibility of supervising their kids. It helps them do it.

The app is built in Swift and is currently available at the Apple App store.

I wrote a web app that allows parents to access their accounts. It was built with React over a NodeJS backend. The database is in MongoDB.

Child area

The world has changed. Content comes into our homes through new ways, and it opens way to all sorts of threats. We need to adapt. As technology changed the way we watch content, it also has to provide new means to control it. We need new tools to keep up.