
I create this project to test somethings in Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

I'm on a project with Laravel and choice create a new project to study about TDD and test somethings.


You must have php:7.4 and composer:2.0.9 installed.

Run project 🏃

In this project you don't need generate a storage link or instances to databases. Not now.

Clone the project, access the dir, create and edit your .env:

$ git clone link-to-project
$ cd laravel-tests
$ cp .env.example .env

Now we need install all dependencies. So run the composer command:

$ composer install

After, run the project using artisan:

$ php artisan serve

Run a test 📊

Open the terminal at the directory project and run this command:

php artisan test

Simple as fly 🐦