

  1. What is Flutter?
  2. Why did you choose Flutter?
  3. What are the Advantages of Flutter?
  • Cross-platform Development: This feature allows Flutter to write the code once, maintain, and can run on different platforms. It saves the time, effort, and money of the developers.
  • UI Focused: It has an excellent user interface because it uses a design-centric widget, high-development tools, advanced APIs, and many more features.
  • Documentation: Flutter has very good documentation support. It is organized and more informative. We can get everything that we want to be written in one place.
  1. What are the Disadvantages of Flutter?
  • fllutter web.
  1. Tell me something about dart 3.



  • Perform work as if it were a real project, demonstrating your proficiency in managing Git and GitHub.
  • Import icons from Figma and integrate them into the project. (clue: save them as font)
  • Design and implement the bottom navigation bar.
  • Develop unit tests to verify the functionality of data fetching from the [DeviceRepository] repository.
  • Optionally, create two Widget tests to ensure the correctness of specific UI components.


Must know

  • Make UI like design
    • Use a design tool Figma.
    • Use consistent fonts, colors, and spacing throughout your UI.
    • Make sure your UI is responsive and looks good on all devices.
  • Work as a team
    • Be open to feedback and suggestions from others.
  • Feel free to ask anything
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how small or silly they may seem.
    • There are no stupid questions, and asking for help is a sign of strength.
  • Work organized
    • feel free to use any folder structure
    • Commit your code regularly and push it to a remote repository like GitHub.
    • Write clear and concise commit messages.