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Be In Media - Web development Recruitment test

This is the backend of the restaurant menu.

Features & Technologies

Please Note that I did NOT cover the cases that aren't mentioned in the requirements (such as update/delete items) file since the purpose of the project is to showcase the code structure and not to release a project. However, all requirements that are mentioned in the file are covered here. To get started quickly I used Laravel Breeze (API) to scaffold the project and focus on what matters.

API Structure

Method Url Description
GET api/user Get currently authenticated user
POST api/v1/categories Store category
GET api/v1/categories/{category}/menu-items Get menu Items of a category
POST api/v1/discount/category/{category} Add discount to a category
POST api/v1/discount/global Add global discount
POST api/v1/discount/menu-item/{menuItem} Add discount to menu item
POST api/v1/menu-items Add menu item
GET api/v1/{user}/categories Get categories of a user
GET api/v1/{user}/categories/can-have-child-category Get items for category selector (in category create)
GET api/v1/{user}/categories/can-have-menu-items Get items for category selector (in menu item create)

Installation guide

  1. Clone this repo
  2. composer install
  3. cp .env.example .env
  4. php artisan key:generate
  5. update the DATABASE values in .env
  6. php artisan migrate --seed --seeder=DemoSeeder
  7. php artisan serve

Default Credentials

Email password password


In this project, every single api is tested with the required tests that insures that it's working as it's intended to do especially the ones mentioned in the requirements file

To run the tests use this command php artisan test


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.