6-stage pipelined processor, Harvard.


The processor in this project has a RISC-like instruction set architecture.

  • There are eight 2-byte general purpose registers; R0, till R7.
  • Another two general purpose registers, One works as a program counter (PC). And the other, works as a stack pointer (SP); and hence; points to the top of the stack.

The initial value of SP is (2^10-2). The data memory address space is 1 KB of 16-bit width and is word addressable. ( N.B. word = 2 bytes).

The data memory in our processor is slow, so we split the memory stage into two stages and the new pipeline should be Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory1,Memory2, writeback.

The processor supports multiple units:

  • Control Unit
  • Hazard detection Unit (Structural and data)
  • Forward unit
  • PC decision unit

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