TensorFlow Implementation of Matrix Capsules with EM Routing.
Created and tested using:
- Python 3.5
- TensorFlow 1.4
- tensorflow
- numpy
- tqdm (This requirement may be removed by removing the tqdm wrapper around mnist_batch in utils.save_mnist_as_image() and changing trange() to range() in CapsNetEMModel.learn_from_epoch())
- matplotlib (Only required for producing additional results with utils.save_mnist_as_image(), the model may be used without)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Or for GPU TensorFlow:
pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt
To train a model on MNIST with default parameters:
python main.py
To test a trained model:
python main.py --test True --result_dir <result_dir>
Additional command line arguments are detailed in main.py.
Capsule layers have been implemented in the style of tf.layers. These can be found in capsule_layers.py if you would like to experiment with custom architectures.
Working on this - the model currently trains but doesn't seem to reach the performance reported in the paper as it generally runs into NaN issues before. This could just be down to incorrect parameters e.g. the routing inverse temp schedule which is not given in the paper, or there may still be something incorrect somewhere with the implementation.
Matrix Capsules with EM Routing paper
Some points that caused confusion during this implementation:
Beta_a and Beta_v parameters
As per the explanation in the OpenReview comments these are per higher level capsule type and are therefore vectors. The initial value of these seems to have a reasonable impact on the speed of the early stage of training, although initial values are not mentioned in the paper.
Inverse temperature parameters
The initial inverse temperature parameters and schedule appear to have a significant effect on the training of the model (as the activation and activation gradient magnitudes both depend on how saturated the sigmoid function in the E-step is, which is controlled by the inverse temperature parameter) however these values are also not mentioned in the paper.
Margin schedule
It is mentioned in the paper that the margin of the spread loss is increased from 0.2 to 0.9 during training, however the actual schedule is not mentioned so it is unclear whether this should be a very gentle increase, e.g. over a few epochs, or a quick increase over just the first hundred or so iterations. A slow increase appears to increase training time significantly as a low margin results in smaller gradients, but I have not been able to run enough tests yet to determine the effect on final performance. A quick increase with a high learning rate does seem to result in dead capsules. It would be interesting to visualise the loss surface using something like this. The appropriate margin schedule will depend on at least batch size and learning rate.
Padding doesnt seem to be mentioned in the paper.
Sum over capsules in the E-step
This has been slightly clarified in the new (05/01/18) version of the paper but I think it is still not explicit. My interpretation is that this is the sum over output capsules for which the input capsule is within the receptive field. For a 1D image with one 1D capsule and a patch size of 2 this would look like (ignoring element wise operations for the purposes of demonstrating only the effect of shape changing operations):
Input image (indexed by i in paper)
[[1, 2, 3, 4]]
Patches as returned by extract_image_patches_nd (indexed by j in paper)
[[1, 2],
[2, 3],
[3, 4]]
Patches in correct position
[[1, 2, x, x],
[x, 2, 3, x],
[x, x, 3, 4]]
Correct sum
[[1, 4, 6, 4]]
This implementation computes this by first converting to a sparse tensor before computing the sum.
Incorrect sum
From a brief look at other implementations it looks like some are computing the sum over the patches as in the second step, without taking into account receptive fields, and would therefore get:
[[6, 9]]
TensorFlow limitations
This implementation required a fair number of workarounds for limitations in TensorFlow e.g. tf.sparse_reduce_sum and tf.gather_nd do not support tensors > 5D, however for convolutional capsules it is convenient to deal with 9D tensors as this preserves the 2D structure of the capsules between layers. Also this implementation would have been made easier if there was better support for sparse tensors. It would be useful if there was a version of tf.extract_image_patches that returned a sparse tensor. It would also be useful if there was a proper sparse version of reduce_logsumexp. Future implementations of capsule networks would definitely benefit from new capsule specific TensorFlow ops.
- Test convolutional capsule layers with padding 'SAME'
- Get working with SmallNORB dataset
- Sort out license
- Implement hyperparameter search
- Implement easy resume training
- Improve safe divide so that it will always produce a representable output