
A carpooling application

Primary LanguagePython


Intro - Welcome to carpool, Your ultimate car sharing platform

This is a Ridesharing or car-sharing app, it is a platform that connects individuals who are traveling in the same direction and allows them to share rides together. The main purpose of a carpooling mobile app is to optimize transportation resources, reduce traffic congestion, and promote eco-friendly travel options.

List of features

List of features

  • User Registration
  • Ride Listing
  • Ride Sharing
  • Ride Booking

How to run Front-end Localhost

How to run Backend Localhost


Our database of use is postgresql 1. You need to have postgresql installed in your machine 2. Create a new database named 'carpool' in postgresql using the postgres command ``` CREATE DATABASE carpool ; ```

Windows and Linux with Python 3.8 ++

  1. Clone this repository
git clone  https://github.com/Rogendo/Carpool.git
cd backend/Carpool/
  1. Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv

on Linux system

source venv/bin/activate

on Windows system

  1. Install requirements
pip install  -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the localhost server
python manage.py runserver


Keep it simple..

Author or Acknowledgments


This project is licensed under the MIT License