
QCHS2022 Summer School Tutorial for Yao and Bloqade

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Installation & Setup

  1. Install Julia
  2. run the following in Julia REPL
pkg> instanitiate
julia> using IJulia; IJulia.notebook(dir=pwd())

Day 1: The Yao ecosystem & variational quantum algorithms

  • Introduction of Yao
  • Implement Quantum Fourier Transform using Yao
  • Understanding automatic differentiation of Yao

Pick one of the following:

  1. find the corresponding U(4) gate parameter of given gate set
  2. find the ground state of the following hamiltonian (Rydberg Hamiltonian) on a chain lattice using imaginary time evolution/eigensolver/VQE

$$ \sum \frac{V}{|r_i-r_j|^6} n_i n_j + \Omega \sum_i X_i - \Delta \sum_i n_i $$

  1. bounty issue (QuantumBFS/Yao.jl#403)
  2. explore other notebooks

Day 2: The Rydberg system & Bloqade

  • Introduction of Rydberg system & Bloqade
  • Simulating adaiabtic evolution using Bloqade
  • Solving maximum indenpendent set problem using Rydberg atom array (hands-on with unimplemented questions)


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