
ESP32 code to generate color NTSC composite video signal

Primary LanguageC

Color composite video generator from ESP_8_BIT

This project started with rossumer's ESP_8_BIT project and cut away everything unrelated to generating a color composite video signal. This will become a foundation for other composite video projects.

ESP32 GPIO25 is the video signal output pin.

Frame buffer for the video output routineis given as _lines which is an array of 240 uint8_t* each reprenting a line of data. Each line is an array of 256 uint8_t values. Each of which is an 8-bit color in RGB332 format as specified by ntsc_rgb332.

This project includes a simple test case, displaying a full-screen bitmap described by the RGB332 numbers in the jubsRGB332 array. This array was generated by the script in \util directory, and the 256x240 PNG source file is also there to serve as example.

My target platform is the dual-core ESP32 for NTSC televisions.

During the trimming process I removed some code explicitly supporting the single- core ESP32-S2, though it should be easy to add them back if needed.

I tried to preserve all PAL functionality, but I may have inadvertently broken PAL support. I have no PAL TV to test against.

Thanks to rossumur who worked out all the color composite video generation code, without which this project would not have been possible.