
Verified DICE based Boot Firmware for STM32H7

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Verified DICE based Boot Firmware for STM32H7

This repository contains a Verified Boot implementation for the STM32H7 devices (specifically STM32H753ZI, STM32H743ZI) for the paper. The implementation contains DICE* code generated from the dice-star repository and implements the Hardware Abstraction Interface. The cmake toolchain verifies the F* specification and extracts the generated C code using Kremlin. The generated code compiles a firmware binary, which can be tested on the STM32H7 devices.

Directory layout

  • 3rdparty: Components provided by third parties. Includes a number of external dependancies that prove hard to fetch and use with apt install.
  • cmake: We build with cmake and then ninja. The core cmake files are in cmake and included by directory local CMakeLists.txt files
  • src: Source, by library or executable. Refer README.md for details.
  • scripts: Scripts for flashing the firmware

Setup environment

For the device, it is needed to install STM32CubeProgrammer, the ST USB drivers (STSW-LINK009) and a terminal emulator that supports the YMODEM protocol, such as Tera Term or Putty.

Update the firmware of the NUCLEO board with STM32CubeProgrammer before doing anything, and make sure that all the protections enabled by option bytes are disabled. You may also use the script scripts/protections-clear.sh.

Verification and Extraction (Optional)

The project relies on VerifiedHardware's dependencies to be installed throught the Everest script.

Patch kremlin code

There are some fixes required on the 3rdparty/kremlin code to build the firmware successfully. Please note that the patch is also applied as a part of the build.sh so you may skip this step.

# Patch kremlin code
cd 3rdparty/kremlin
git apply -v ../../patches/kremlin_firmware_fixes.patch
cd ../..


Build and Flash

In order to build the firmware, we use GNU Arm toolchain (gcc-arm-none-eabi) Arm's website. The project uses the CMake build system.

See here for details about the firmware.

  1. On Linux-like systems, in the root directory of the project, run:

This will generate the firmware in the folder build/src/fw/arm. DICE_L0_L1.bin has all the images combined (DICE, L0 and L1), and L0_L1.bin is the file that can be downloaded to the board as a firmware update. The dependencies for building the firmware can be installed using install_deps.sh

At this point it is also possible to run the host tests by running:

ninja test

You may also use Docker for building the firmware:

docker build .

copy the firmware binary and flash script from the container

  1. Connect the board to the USB port. If you are using Widows, note the COM port being used via Device Manager.

  2. If using NUCLEO boards, check the instructions in en.DM00414687.pdf in chapter 8 for more details on how to flash binary files. The script flash.sh can be used to flash the images instead of any graphical tool. The script also removes the firmware protections, such as lowering RDP level 1 to level 0 (if RDP level has been set to 2, the board is locked and the protections can't be removed).

    It may be needed to use other tools to flash the firmware images. In that case, flash the following images to the specified addresses:

    • DICE_L0_L1.bin has to be flashed to 0x08000000.

    Note that L0_L1.bin shouldn't be flashed on its own.

  3. The terminal emulator must be set up to 115200 baud. The other settings are most likely correct by default, but they are here for reference:

    • Baud rate: 115200
    • Data: 8 bits
    • Parity: none
    • Stop: 1 bit
    • Flow control: none

Build options

  • HW_MIN_LOG_LEVEL: Selects the debug messages compiled in the firmware. Normally all messages are compiled in and they are filtered at runtime. This option makes the compiler remove them completely. It defaults to LOG_LEVEL_TRACE. It can be any of the defines in logger.h: LOG_LEVEL_{TRACE,SECRET,DEBUG,INFO,FAIL,FATAL}

  • HW_IGNORE_PROTECTION_CHECKS: Let DICE ignore all protection checks and boot L0 and L1 anyway. Check [this document][/src/fw/option_bytes.md] for more information about the protections. During development it isn't practical to set the protections whenever the firmware is flashed, but it is needed to check them in a production build. Default: ON

  • HW_SET_RSS_PROTECTIONS_AT_RUNTIME: Set to ON to set up the Secure User Area from DICE during boot. This can be used for testing the protections of the HW. Normally, the SFI process would set the protections when the firmware is flashed, but this isn't practical during development. Default: OFF

  • HW_ENABLE_WATCHDOG: Enable hardware and software watchdogs. Default: ON

  • USE_HW_RNG: Use hardware random number generator instead of software generator. Production builds need to use the hardware one. Default: ON

  • USE_NUCLEO2_BOARDS: Build for NUCLEO-H743ZI2 boards rather than NUCLEO-H743ZI. Default: ON

Production firmware

For development, it is useful to have some build options set to some values that aren't valid in production. In order to build production firmware, CMake has to be invoked with the following options:

cmake .. -GNinja \
    -DCROSS_COMPILE_ARM=/path/to/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin \

Any value over DEBUG is a valid value for HW_MIN_LOG_LEVEL. That means that the valid value are LOG_LEVEL_{DEBUG,INFO,FAIL,FATAL}. This will hide all SECRET prints.

Test protections

The HW relies on several hardware protections being set: RSS, WRP, etc. In order to test them in a Nucleo board:

  1. Run CMake with the following options and build the firmware:
cmake .. -GNinja -DCROSS_COMPILE_ARM=path/to/gcc \
  1. Flash the firmware with flash.sh. The firmware will try to boot but it will be locked in DICE in a loop while trying to set up the Secure User Memory.

  2. Run protections-set-rdp1.sh. It will ask you to disconnect the board and reconnect it. When this happens, the code will set up the Secure User Memory (which triggers another software reset).

  3. Press enter to let the script continue. This will set the RDP level to 1. Disconnect and reconnect the board for this change to have effect.

  4. Now that all protections have been set, DICE can boot. It will generate the Unique Device Secret and enter L0 and eventually L1. The L1 tests should say "PROTECTION SET". If they say "PROTECTION NOT SET" there may have been a problem during the setup of the protections.