OwlDB - Network Accessible NoSQL Document Database

OwlDB is a RESTful web service implemented in Go, providing a NoSQL document database that supports the creation, modification, retrieval, and deletion of JSON documents. This project is developed as part of a course requirement, focusing on concurrency, atomic operations, authentication, and document subscription.


  • HTTP Methods: Supports standard CRUD operations through GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.
  • Document Structure & Validation: Validates documents against a JSON schema using github.com/santhosh-tekuri/jsonschema/v5.
  • Hierarchical Data Organization: Organizes documents in nested databases and collections with hierarchical paths.
  • Authentication: Minimalist token-based authentication with expiring tokens.
  • Subscriptions: Real-time updates via Server-Sent Events for subscribed documents or collections.
  • Atomic Operations: Supports conditional writes and patching for single documents.
  • Concurrent Skip List: Efficient indexing using a custom, thread-safe skip list implementation.


Run OwlDB with the following command-line options:

./owldb -p <port> -s <schema-file> -t <token-file>
  • -p <port>: Port number (default is 3318).
  • -s <schema-file>: Path to JSON schema for validating documents.
  • -t <token-file>: Path to token JSON file for user authentication.

Project Structure

  • API Endpoints: Implements API routes for database, document, collection management, and subscriptions.
  • Concurrency: Uses goroutines and channels for handling multiple clients, with atomic operations for critical sections.
  • Testing: Comprehensive unit tests in each package, executable via go test ./....
  • Logging: Structured logging with slog for debug, info, and error messages.

Development & Testing

Clone the repository and use the Go tools to build and test:

go build -o owldb
go test ./...


API documentation is accessible via Swagger when the server is running:


For detailed design information, refer to design.pdf in the repository.