get value of the property - Challenge InGaia
✨ Demo
The overriding rule that makes this architecture work is The Dependency Rule. This rule says that source code dependencies can only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle. In particular, the name of something declared in an outer circle must not be mentioned by the code in the an inner circle. That includes, functions, classes. variables, or any other named software entity.
Extracted from
|-- InGaia-Property-Value-API
|-- .eslintignore
|-- .eslintrc.json
|-- .gitignore
|-- .huskyrc.json
|-- .lintstagedrc.json
|-- .travis.yml
|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- jest-integration-config.js
|-- jest-unit-config.js
|-- jest.config.js
|-- package.json
|-- tsconfig-build.json
|-- tsconfig.json
|-- src
| |-- data
| | |-- protocols
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- load-property-value.ts
| | | |-- services
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- load-square-meter-service.ts
| | |-- usecases
| | |-- db-load-property-value.spec.ts
| | |-- db-load-property-value.ts
| | |-- index.ts
| |-- domain
| | |-- models
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- property-value.ts
| | | |-- square-meter.ts
| | |-- usecases
| | |-- index.ts
| | |-- load-property-value.ts
| |-- infra
| | |-- helpers
| | | |-- http-helper.ts
| | |-- services
| | |-- square-meter-service.ts
| |-- main
| | |-- server.ts
| | |-- adapters
| | | |-- express-route-adapter.ts
| | | |-- index.ts
| | |-- config
| | | |-- app.ts
| | | |-- config-swagger.ts
| | | |-- env.ts
| | | |-- middlewares.ts
| | | |-- routes.ts
| | |-- docs
| | | |-- components.ts
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- paths.ts
| | | |-- schemas.ts
| | | |-- components
| | | | |-- bad-request.ts
| | | | |-- forbidden.ts
| | | | |-- index.ts
| | | | |-- not-found.ts
| | | | |-- server-error.ts
| | | | |-- unauthorized.ts
| | | |-- paths
| | | | |-- index.ts
| | | | |-- square-meter-path.ts
| | | |-- schemas
| | | |-- error-schema.ts
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- square-meter-price-schema.ts
| | |-- factories
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- controllers
| | | | |-- index.ts
| | | | |-- load-property-value-controller-factory.ts
| | | |-- usecases
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- load-property-value-factory.ts
| | |-- middlewares
| | | |-- body-parser.ts
| | | |-- content-type.ts
| | | |-- cors.ts
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- no-cache.ts
| | |-- routes
| | |-- index.ts
| |-- presentation
| |-- controllers
| | |-- index.ts
| | |-- load-property-value-controller.spec.ts
| | |-- load-property-value-controller.ts
| |-- errors
| | |-- index.ts
| | |-- invalid-param-error.ts
| | |-- missing-param-error.ts
| | |-- server-error.ts
| | |-- square-meter-invalid-error.ts
| |-- helpers
| | |-- http-helper.ts
| | |-- index.ts
| |-- protocols
| |-- controller.ts
| |-- http.ts
| |-- index.ts
|-- tests
|-- main
|-- middlewares
| |-- body-parser.test.ts
| |-- content-type.test.ts
| |-- cors.test.ts
| |-- no-cache.test.ts
|-- routes
|-- index.test.ts
Just run the following command at the root of your project
npm install
npm run build && npm run start
You should get
🏁 Server listening on port: 3000 🏁
Access http://localhost:3001/api-docs/
npm run test:verbose
npm run up
npm run down
👤 Rogerio Sobrinho
- Github: @RogerioSobrinho
- LinkedIn: @rogerio-sobrinho
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