
Athena is a secured messenger created for personal use. Authors: Egoshin A. & Kulinich Y.

Primary LanguageJava

Messenger v.0.2.2

Version Notes

Version Notes


  • Openjdk 11
  • Docker
  • Postman (for testing REST API)
  • Jasypt 1.9.3


Firstly, check that you have all requirements installed.

If not:

sudo apt-get install docker \
&& curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash \
&& source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" \
&& sdk install java 11.0.2-open

Installation (clear project): 0. Give run permissions to all sh scripts:

chmod u+x *.sh db/*.sh
  1. Check that your port 5432 is free:
sudo netstat -tulp | grep 5432
  1. Create and run a docker container with messenger database:
  1. Init database using Liquibase:
./gradlew db:update
  1. For development on localhost you need to update /etc/hosts: yofik.messenger.auth
  1. Create SSL certificates for local HTTPS requests:
mkdir ~/.cert
mkdir ~/.cert/yofik-messenger/
cp generate-certs.sh ~/.cert/yofik-messenger/
cd ~/.cert
cd auth/
mkdir certs
cp ~/.cert/yofik-messenger/Server-keystore.p12 certs
cp ~/.cert/yofik-messenger/Server-truststore.p12 certs
  1. Provide clientJpaDto certs to the clientJpaDto (maybe Postman File->Settings->Certificates):
  1. If you want, you can change yofik.security.jwe-key option in application-dev.yml:
chmod u+x encrypt.sh
./encrypt.sh input="NEW_BASE_JWE_KEY" password=JASYPT_PASSWORD algorithm=PBEWithMD5AndDES

Start (installed project):

  1. Run docker container with messenger database:
  1. If you change a database or pull someone changes which may change a database, you need to update database using Liquibase:
./gradlew db:update

for Windows:

gradlew.bat db:update
  1. Build the project:
./gradlew build

for Windows:

gradlew.bat build
  1. Run services which you need in separate terminals:
java -jar -Djasypt.encryptor.password=supersecretz build/libs/SERVICE_NAME-VERSION.war

for Windows:

java -jar -Djasypt.encryptor.password=supersecretz build\libs\SERVICE_NAME-VERSION.war

Also, to provide Jasypt password (for IDEA configuration or production build) you can set up the environment variable JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD

SSL note

If you want, you can easily disable SSL for messenger and admin services (web interface). To do so, you need to create directories: messenger/config and admin/config. After that copy files application-dev.yml from each module and place in associated config directory and disable ssl.

API reference


REST API Reference

WebSocket API

WebSocket API Reference