is a new SVGA player refactored based on SVGAPlayer
. Initially, the code was completely copied from SVGAPlayer
, and then refactored on top of it. It was also written in Objective-C. The external interface remains basically consistent with SVGAPlayer
, while internally it has been refactored, adjusted, enhanced, and encapsulated according to my own style. This was done to gradually replace the original SVGAPlayer
in the project while maintaining compatibility.
, on the other hand, is an enhanced version of SVGARePlayer
upgraded to Swift. The following is mainly about the introduction of SVGAExPlayer
✅ Built-in SVGA parser.
✅ Play state with control.
✅ Customizable downloader & loader.
✅ Prevent duplicate loading.
✅ Mute at any time.
✅ Reverse playback at any time.
✅ Set playback range at any time.
✅ Compatible with both Objective-C and Swift.
✅ Simple and easy-to-use API.
is an old third-party library, and the author hasn't updated it for a long time. It's quite cumbersome to use. The original usage:
let player = SVGAPlayer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
player.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100)
// Create SVGA animation parser
let parser = SVGAParser()
// Load SVGA animation file
parser.parse(withNamed: "your_animation_file", in: nil) { [weak self] videoItem in
guard let self, videoItem else { return }
// Load SVGA animation into player
self.player.videoItem = videoItem
// Start playing animation
To be honest, its performance is not as good as Lottie, but I have to use it for the project. To make it more convenient to use, I decided to refactor it.
inherits from SVGARePlayer
(which is a completely rewritten new player based on the original SVGAPlayer
with almost identical API, but internally optimized). Basic setup is the same as the parent class, but the usage of API is different, making it easier to use.
To load and play:"your_animation_path", fromFrame: 0, isAutoPlay: true)
: Start from which frame.isAutoPlay
: Whether to start playing automatically after loading.
The SVGAParser
will be automatically invoked internally to load "remote/local" SVGA resources, so calling this method will not play immediately, as there will be a loading process.
After loading, you can choose whether to play automatically. Specific states can be observed by conforming to SVGAExPlayerDelegate
, where you can receive callbacks when the status changes:
/// Status changes [Status update]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
statusDidChanged status: SVGAExPlayerStatus,
oldStatus: SVGAExPlayerStatus)
Additionally, there are corresponding callbacks for loading failure and completion in SVGAExPlayerDelegate
/// Unknown source of SVGA [Unable to play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
unknownSvga source: String)
/// Failed to load SVGA resource [Unable to play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
dataLoadFailed error: Error)
/// Failed to parse loaded SVGA resource [Unable to play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
dataParseFailed error: Error)
/// Failed to parse local SVGA resource [Unable to play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
assetParseFailed error: Error)
/// Invalid SVGA resource [Unable to play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
entity: SVGAVideoEntity,
invalid error: SVGAVideoEntityError)
/// Successfully parsed SVGA resource [Can play]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
parseDone entity: SVGAVideoEntity)
Of course, there are also callbacks related to playback:
/// SVGA animation (local/remote resource) is ready to play [About to play]
/// - Parameters:
/// - isNewSource: Whether it is a new resource (if the resource needs to be loaded for playback, or if a different `entity` is switched, this value is `true`)
/// - fromFrame: Starting from which frame
/// - isWillPlay: Whether it is about to start playing
/// - resetHandler: Used to reset "from which frame to start" and "whether to start playing". Call this closure and pass in new values if changes are needed.
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
readyForPlay isNewSource: Bool,
fromFrame: Int,
isWillPlay: Bool,
resetHandler: @escaping (_ newFrame: Int, _ isPlay: Bool) -> Void)
/// Callback when SVGA animation is being played [Playing]
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
animationPlaying currentFrame: Int)
/// SVGA animation completes one playback [Playing]
/// - Note: Each completion of animation (regardless of whether it is looped) will trigger a callback; it will not be called if "manually stopped" by the user.
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
animationDidFinishedOnce loopCount: Int)
/// SVGA animation completes all playback [Playback ends]
/// - Note: It will be called only if `loops > 0` and the specified number of loops is reached; it will not be called if "manually stopped" by the user or `loops = 0`.
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
animationDidFinishedAll loopCount: Int)
/// Callback for SVGA animation playback failure [Playback failed]
/// - Note: This callback is triggered when attempting to play if there is "no SVGA resource" or "no parent view", or if the SVGA resource has only one playable frame (unable to form an animation).
@objc optional
func svgaExPlayer(_ player: SVGAExPlayer,
svga source: String,
animationPlayFailed error: SVGARePlayerPlayError)
- Methods of
are all optional. For specific usage, refer this demo.
If there is already an existing SVGAVideoEntity
object, you can directly use it for playback:
let entity: SVGAVideoEntity = ... entity, fromFrame: 0, isAutoPlay: true)
- When using this method for playback,
is the memory address of theSVGAVideoEntity
For loading remote SVGA resources, internally it uses the built-in download method of SVGAParser
. If you need to define your own downloading method (e.g., loading cached resources), you can define a downloader:
SVGAExPlayer.downloader = { svgaSource, success, failure in
guard let url = URL(string: svgaSource) else {
failure(NSError(domain: "SVGAExPlayer", code: -1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Invalid path"]))
Task {
do {
let (data, _) = try await url)
await { success(data) }
} catch {
await { failure(error) }
- Implement the
Note that if the same resource path is being played or has already been loaded, it won't be reloaded. Internally, it checks whether the resource path is the same to avoid duplicate loading operations. However, if a new resource path is provided, it will clear the previous resource and load the new one to ensure that the same resource won't be loaded repeatedly.
📢 Note: Internally, it determines whether to call the downloader for download by checking whether the resource path has the prefixes http://
and https://
. Otherwise, it will use the local resource loading method.
If you want complete control over the loading process, you can implement SVGAExPlayer.loader
SVGAExPlayer.loader = { svgaSource, success, failure, forwardDownload, forwardLoadAsset in
// Check if it's a disk SVGA
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: svgaSource) else {
if svgaSource.hasPrefix("http://") || svgaSource.hasPrefix("https://") {
forwardDownload(svgaSource) // Call the internal remote loading method
} else {
forwardLoadAsset(svgaSource) // Call the internal local resource loading method
// Load disk SVGA
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: svgaSource))
} catch {
: The original remote loading method withinSVGAExPlayer
is implemented, this closure will be called).forwardLoadAsset
: The original local resource loading method withinSVGAExPlayer
After successful loading, it will use the default caching method (NSCache
) for caching, with the SVGA path as the key. If you need a custom cache key, you can implement SVGAExPlayer.cacheKeyGenerator
SVGAExPlayer.cacheKeyGenerator = { svgaSource in
return svgaSource.md5 // Encrypt using MD5
/// Play the current SVGA (from the current frame)
func play()
/// Play the current SVGA
/// - Parameters:
/// - fromFrame: From which frame to start
/// - isAutoPlay: Whether to start playing automatically
func play(fromFrame: Int, isAutoPlay: Bool)
/// Reset the current SVGA (back to the beginning, reset completion count)
/// If `startFrame` or `endFrame` is set, it starts from `leadingFrame`
/// - Parameters:
/// - isAutoPlay: Whether to start playing automatically
func reset(isAutoPlay: Bool = true)
/// Pause
func pause()
/// Stop
/// - Parameters:
/// - scene: Stopped scene
/// - clearLayers: Clear layers
/// - stepToTrailing: Go to the trailing frame
/// - stepToLeading: Back to the leading frame
func stop(then scene: SVGARePlayerStoppedScene, completion: UserStopCompletion? = nil)
/// Stop
/// - Equivalent to:`stop(then: userStoppedScene, completion: completion)`
func stop(completion: UserStopCompletion? = nil)
/// Clean
func clean(completion: UserStopCompletion? = nil)
- As calling play methods won't start playing immediately, if you call the play method again while loading and the
are different,fromFrame
will be used for subsequent operations according to the latest settings.
Customizable settings:
/// Whether to use animated transitions (default is `false`)
/// - If `true`, there will be fade in/out effect in "changing SVGA" and "play/stop" scenes
public var isAnimated = false
/// Whether to hide itself when in a "stopped" state (default is `false`)
public var isHidesWhenStopped = false
/// Whether to reset `loopCount` when in a "stopped" state (default is `true`)
public var isResetLoopCountWhenStopped = true
/// Whether to enable memory cache (mainly for `SVGAParser`, default is `false`)
public var isEnabledMemoryCache = false
/// Whether to print debug logs (only in `DEBUG` environment, default is `false`)
public var isDebugLog = false
As SVGAExPlayer
inherits from SVGARePlayer
, to avoid errors, do not call the following APIs of SVGARePlayer
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<SVGAPlayerDelegate> delegate;
- (void)setVideoItem:(nullable SVGAVideoEntity *)videoItem
- (void)setVideoItem:(nullable SVGAVideoEntity *)videoItem
- (void)setVideoItem:(nullable SVGAVideoEntity *)videoItem
- (BOOL)startAnimation;
- (BOOL)stepToFrame:(NSInteger)frame;
- (BOOL)stepToFrame:(NSInteger)frame andPlay:(BOOL)andPlay;
- (void)pauseAnimation;
- (void)stopAnimation;
- (void)stopAnimation:(SVGARePlayerStoppedScene)scene;
- The original
is retained by conforming toexDelegate
. All methods of the originaldelegate
and the above callbacks are included.
Since we don't want to use the original APIs, why did we use inheritance from SVGARePlayer
- For consistent basic setup with the previous version.
- To use it as a UIView without an extra layer, minimizing the number of layers as much as possible.
That's all for the introduction. Generally speaking, SVGAPlayer is lighter than Lottie
, suitable for scenarios with fewer animations. But if you need many and complex animations, I personally recommend Lottie. Its architecture and performance are much better than SVGAPlayer
, and most importantly, Lottie
has been maintained and updated, while SVGAPlayer
is no longer updated.
My SVGARePlayer
is a refactored version based on SVGAPlayer
, and SVGAExPlayer
is an enhanced version of SVGARePlayer
. Besides retaining the original functionality, I mainly optimized "loading prevention" and "API simplification".
If you need to use it, you can directly copy these files from the SVGAPlayer_Optimized
folder in this demo to your project: