
A React Pokedex built using the MERN stack and the Pokemon API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React Pokédex built using React on the frontend and Express with MongoDB on the backend. See video below for the full list of features!

Try the live app here!

Here's a YouTube video covering all the features of this app!

Getting Started


Install the latest versions of these programs from here:


  1. Clone this repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/RogueArt/pokedex.git
cd pokedex # All commands will be executed from this folder
  1. Install the packages for the client and server:
npm run build
  1. Replace the .env.example with a .env file.
    1. Change the MONGO_URI value to the URI for where your MongoDB instance is hosted.
    2. Change the SECRET value to a randomly generated hash. This is used for encrypting passwords.


Run both the client and server using npm run start from the pokedex folder.


My goal is to refactor this code some point in time. A lot of this was written in a matter of days so I hope to make this more maintainable for the future.