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This weather dashboard will provide the user the option to search weather results of any city with the click of a mouse. As an aspiring traveller I would like to prepare for my trip and have all the information I need in order to do so.
This is all possible with the use of OpenWeatherMap API.
The current weather will be displayed at the top right section, while the search history will be displayed left. The 5-day forcast will display below the current.
The 5-day forcast includes the: date, daily temperature, humidty percentage & icons.
The current weather data includes what one would need to know: the UV index, wind speed, humidity, current temperature, and includes an icon.
Once a cities is seached the results will be saved in local storage. The last searched city will be displayed when the user opens the weather dashboard, the search will have current weather information.
If the API displays an error message it is because the API call was unsuccessful, and is telling the user to search again for a valid city, the result will be that the ciry name will be removed.