
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note: docker compose does not work on my machine, so I haven't tested with it. docker-compose v1.29.2 works fine and was what was used to run the docker files. Command to run it:

sudo docker-compose up --build

Implemented most features except for the stats page (clicking on the icon will cause a black screen which can be regained using the back icon).

Implemented 2 bonuses - Image Upload and Fuzzy Search. Image upload is optional and if not uploaded the default image is displayed. Image size limit is 50kB.

Assumed username is uneditable - like the actual reddit app.

Error messages are displayed as an alert (Well, all messages are).

Assuming Navbar doesn't change in the all subgreddiits page.

Assuming you cannot enter a subReddit if you're not part of it.

Implemented input validation for tags and banned keywords.

Implemented API call authorization checking.

Assuming dockerization doesn't include nginx since it was not mentioned on moodle or the document

Note: Will not work outside IIIT Networks or my parents' wifi (due to my mongoDB account being a learner account and I don't want to open it to the public in case the database gets overloaded)