
Multi Payment Application has been built using React-native and Flask in backend. The Application can help the user do multi payment in just one click. The User just have to upload bills and the application will read the bills and autofill the information and the payment can be done with one click.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Application is built Using React Native in frontend of the Application and Flask-Python for the Backend. Application uses PSQL in the backend.

To run the Code : Backend:

  1. Instal all the libraries in the requirements.txt file using pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Setup the Database path in .env file
  3. flask db init
  4. flask db migrate
  5. flask db upgrade
  6. flask run

To run the React Native Code : React Native version>0.59

  1. npm i
  2. react-native start
  3. react-native run-android

To run the App :

  1. Copy the com.ae whole folder into internal storage of your mobile Internal Storage>com.ae
  2. Install the App
  3. App is good to go
  4. Upload the PDF and start paying the bills.