
This repository is intended to create practical solution for climate change problem. The readme is in progress and will be update soon

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository is intended to create a practical solution for the climate change problem. The readme is in progress and will be updated soon.


There are many skepticism and concerns about Climate Change, I would like to answer some of the questions in this section.

  1. Why should I believe in Climate Change?

Ans. Climate Change is not a topic of belief, it is an important concern of 21st Century, a large number of scientist have found enough evidence that this threat is real and we are at the brink of extinction because of it. Over the last 50 years, we have made great industrial progress and climate change is a side-effect of this. We have to act now before this problem gets out of hand.

  1. What can we do about it?

Ans. We can do a lot, understanding a problem is the first stage of any solution and this is a small step towards a big change. The power of analytics can help us to find and frame solution. There is a huge amount of data available on the internet but there is a huge shortage of tools and technique to make that data productive. This project will help to mitigate such a problem.

  1. Why will I get in return?

Ans. Nothing :) but you will get an opportunity to enhance your skill and potentially help millions of people to live a better tomorrow. You will get a chance to meet with great people, learn about Data Science and Machine Learning for Free. I think this is worth it.

  1. Ok, how can I help?

Ans. If you're a coder than you know what to do, if not please refer to our contribution guide (it is not ready yet so please email me for more info)

Project Objective

Currently, there are many ways climate change can be tackled the most interested are controlling pollution and optimization. There are various ways by which we can approach these issues, so we would like to further narrow it down to air pollution and energy efficiency.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the top contributors to climate change, the ongoing fossil fuel-based technologies are not going to be replaced soon and will lead to devastating effects on our environment. Greenhouse gases are unstoppable now and they will be continuously increasing in the future. There is a great scope for AI to properly model and reduce air pollution using various historical and sensors online data to model and reduce air pollution.

  • First Phase

    • In the first phase of this project, we would like to take an example for the analysis. To keep things simple and interesting we are analyzing Air Pollution Data from India. Currently, India is facing a huge problem of air pollution, from many surveys out 20 most polluted cities in the world 15 cities comes from India. There are many reasons for this. As India is a developing country the threat is far more dangerous for the near future because of the continuous growth of the country.

    The major reasons for this continuous rise of pollution are automobile, industries, and burning of solid fuel. the following notebook is an attempt to validate this hypothesis. Please find the notebook below

  • Notebook India Air Pollution Analysis


Energy optimization is another area where AI systems can help, reducing energy leakage and improving the efficiency of the current power system will provide great benefit to fight with Climate Change. Energy preservation can also be one of the important aspects of this problem.

Project Objective

Currently there are many ways climate change can be tackled the one I am most
