Designing an API request service to call LLM providers' APIs.

  • The goal of this code it to ALWAYS generate text for a given prompt, as fast as possible.

Currently supports following providers:

  • Together AI
  • OpenAI


  • The service needs to make asynchronous requests to the LLM provider's API.
  • If an API request fails, the service should retry the request
  • It should fall back to another LLM provider if the first one fails.
  • Retry
  • Needs to generate a response within a specified time limit, if it cannot, redundant requests should be made to other LLM providers.


  • 2 LLM providers and 2 models each for redundancy. (Mixtral & Llama + Gpt-3.5 & Gpt-4)

Based on the above description, I feel following classes/functions should be present [Out of Sync with implementation]

  • LLMParams: All the parameters required to change model's sampling behaviour.

    • max_tokens: number
    • temperature: decimal
    • top_p: decimal
    • top_k: number
    • stop_tokens: List[str]
  • LLM: All the details required to make a request to an LLM provider's API, along with the request method.

    • url: string
    • api_key: string
    • model: string
    • llm_params: LLMParams
    • session: Optional[asyncio.ClientSession]
    • set_session: function
    • _agenerate: async function
    • _generate: function which calls the API with normal requests
    • generate: based on if a session is present, it should call _agenerate or _generate
  • GenerationMaster: All the details required to get generations fast.

    • llms: List[LLM] # list of redundancy
    • input_text_list: List[str]
    • num_workers: number
    • session: asyncio.ClientSession with timeout
    • max_retries: number
    • _responses: List[str]
    • _todo: queue of tasks # asyncio.Queue
    • _pbar: progress bar # tqdm
    • run: async function to run the generation
    • _worker: async function to process one task and quit when (helper function)
    • _process_one: async function to generate text and retry if fails