
Just a normal repo to practice C. (NOT ACCEPTING PR's)

Primary LanguageC


Just a normal repo to practice C. (NOT ACCEPTING PR's)

C Programs:

  1. Write a program to display your name and college name to the output terminal. ✔
  2. Write a program to take 2 number and calculate the sum and multiplication of those 2 numbers. ✔
  3. Write a program to convert temperature. 1) F to C. 2) C to F. ✔
  4. Write a program to calculate area of triangle. ✔
  5. Write a program to swap 2 numbers - 1) With 3rd Variable. 2) Without 3rd variable. ✔
  6. Write a program to take 2 numbers and check 2 numbers are equal or maximum. ✔
  7. Write a program to calculate the maximum among 3 numbers using conditional operator. ✔
  8. Write a program to take basic salary of an employee and then calculate gross salary. DA is 15% of basic salary, HRA is 13% of Basic Salary and TA is 10% of basic salary. ✔
  9. Write a program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation. ✔
  10. Write a program to calculate the distance between 2 points in a 2D coordinate system. ✔
  11. Write a program to calculate the grade of a student whose 5 marks are given by the user. (Grades: above 90 Grade O, above 80 E, above 70 A, above 60 B, above 50 C, above 40 D, below 40 F)✔
  12. Write a program to take a number and check if the number is triple digit same number or not.✔
  13. Write a program to calculate addition, substraction, multiplication, division and modulo operation using switch statement.✔
  14. Write a program to take a number from the user and check if the number is even or odd.
  15. Write a program to take a character and check if the character is vowel or consonent.
  16. Write a program to display 1-10 using while loop.
  17. Write a program to display even or odd number from 1-50.
  18. Write a program to take a number and calculate the sum of digit of a number.
  19. Write a program to take a number and calculate the factorial of that number.
  20. Write a program to take a number and check if the number is palindrome or not.
  21. Write a program to take a number and check if the number is prime or not.
  22. Write a program to display the sum of n numbers where n is given by the user.
  23. Write a program to display nth term Fibonacci series where n is given by the user.
  24. Write a program to display the sum of the series S=1+x +x2 +x3 +x4 +x5 , where the value of x is given by the user.
  25. Write a program to display sum of the series S=1+x +x2/2! +x3/3! +x4/4! +x5/5! + x6/6!, where the value of x is given by the user.
  26. Write a program to display sum of the series S= 1+11+111+1111+11111.
  27. Write a program to display the sum of the series S= 1+12+123+1234+12345.
  28. Write a program to display the series S= 1+22+333+4444+55555.

More Programs will be added soon!