Python Face Recognition forthebadge

This is a simple python Face Recognition script which uses OpenCV library to do the task.


  1. Make sure you have Python (latest) installed in your system.
  2. Open the folder in CMD or terminal and type pip install opencv-python to install OpenCV.
  3. Now edit the file using your favorite code editor(Example: Sublime text editor, VSCode, Vim).
  4. Place the desired photo in the directory.
  5. Change image= cv2.imread('1.jpg') according to your photo name. (Example: image= cv2.imread('example.jpg')
  6. Now save the file, close the editor and run


You can always tweak the program by just changing the values here:(line 16)
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.2, 5) Where detectMultiScale function is used to detect the faces. It takes 3 arguments — the input image, scaleFactor and minNeighbours. scaleFactor specifies how much the image size is reduced with each scale. minNeighbours specifies how many neighbors each candidate rectangle should have to retain it. You may have to tweak these values to get the best results.

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