
Getting started with Dart and Protocol Buffers

Primary LanguageDart

Start with Protocol Buffer and Dart

  1. Have your .proto file handy with you
    // This is a sample proto file, present at lib/proto/model.proto
    syntax = "proto3";

    message GExerciseModel
        string exercise_name = 2;
        GLEDLogic led_logic = 3;
        int32 blazepods = 4;
        int32 duration = 5;
        optional int32 sets = 6;
        optional int32 timeout = 7;
        optional int32 interval_between_sets = 8;
        GInteraction interaction = 9;
        optional string active_color = 10;
        string id = 11;
        optional bool count = 12;
        optional bool missing_count = 13;
        optional double distance = 14;

    enum GInteraction {

    enum GLEDLogic {
        G_L_E_D_LOGIC_RANDOM = 0;
        G_L_E_D_LOGIC_ALL_AT_ONCE = 1;
        G_L_E_D_LOGIC_FOCUS = 2;
        G_L_E_D_LOGIC_HOME_BASE = 3;
        G_L_E_D_LOGIC_SEQUENCE = 4;
  1. Dependencies Required 1
        protobuf: ^2.1.0
    dart pub global activate protoc_plugin
  1. Generate Your Classes
    cd lib/models &&
    protoc --dart_out=. *.proto

After this 4 files will be created in your lib/models/ You can now use this to create objects

  1. Refer the example in lib/main.dart to get started It also includes converting ENUMS from different types