
This is a social media website built using django.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a social media website built using django.

Want to contribute?

Setup Guide


  • python3.8 or higher
  • pipenv
    • Get it by running pip install pipenv

Setup Guide

1.Cloning the repo
  • Clone the repo or fork it and then clone from your profile.
  • Cd into IceBook-Django
  • Create a new branch by doing the following:
    • git checkout -b branch_name
2.Pipenv and migrations
  • Go to directory where the pipfile is and run pipenv sync --dev
  • Activate pipenv by doing pipenv shell
  • Go into the src folder where the manage.py sits and run the following:
    • python manage.py makemigrations
    • python manage.py migrate
3.Super user and Profile
  • Create super user by doing the following:
    • python manage.py createsuperuser
    • You need to manually create a profile for your user(this will be automated in the future.).
4.Env vars
  • Go the the folder icebook where the settings.py file sits and create a file called .env
  • Add the following inside the file:
    • SECRET_KEY = 'secret_key_here'
5.Running the server
  • Go the folder where your manage.py sits and the following commands to run the server:
    • python manage.py runserver or
    • pipenv run start
6. Compile SCSS to CSS
  • Requires Node.js. Install -> https://nodejs.org/en/
  • cd into icebook/frontend/ folder.
  • Run npm run sass_compile to compile all SCSS to CSS.
  • If you want to edit the SCSS, run npm run sass to enable watch feature.