
Submission for Harvard CS50 Course

Primary LanguageC


Submission for CS50 Course from Harvard.

Week 0

Game using simple programming fundamentals made with scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/143078050/

Week 1

  1. hello.c - Prints hello, world to console
  2. water.c - calculates water usage from # of minutes showered
  3. mario.c - Prints mario stairs using hashes
  4. greedy.c - Using the least amount of coins calculates change in quarters, dimes, and nickels and pennies

Week 2

  1. caesar.c - created the caesar cipher
  2. vigenere.c - created the vigener cipher

Week 3

  1. find.c - generate.c generates a random number and find.c checks to see if user number is present in the pseudorandom generated number. Usage: ./generate| ./find
  2. fifteen.c - generates a game of fifteen where you need to arrange the tiles in numerical order

Week 4

  1. whodunit.c - whodunit.c uses knowledge of bitmap and hexadecimal colours to change pixel colours to find hidden message.
  2. resize.c - uses knowledge of bitmap and memory allocation/pointers to resize a bitmap file
  3. recover.c - recovers jpg files from a wiped memory card. Uses knowledge of memory structure.

Week 5

  1. speller.c - Created a spellchecker that takes a text and returns which words are incorrectly spelled. Implemented in C uses linked lists for fast load, unload and check times.

Week 6

  1. caesar.py - implemented caesar cipher from week 2 in python
  2. greedy.py - implemented greedy.c in python calculating the least amount of coins to calculate change in quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
  3. mario.py - implemented mario.c in python, prints mario stairs using hashes
  4. sentiments.py - created a web app that queries the last 100 tweets from a twitter handle and displays the negative and positive tweets in a pie chart.

Week 7

  1. CS50 Finance - Created a web application using Flask and SQLite that emulates a stock simulator to buy and sell stocks in real time and store the data in a database.