
This is a fork of https://github.com/rohutech/laraloan with Laravel Sail integrated

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Loan Management System API


This is a API first approach application built to manage a Loan Management System. These API's can be consumed by any front end tech stack be it in react, angular or offcourse any mobile app. Currently the Application is built over Laravel Framework version 9, and it was last tested on laravel version 9.29.0

It is an app that allows authenticated users to go through a loan application. It doesn’t have to contain too many fields, but at least “amount required” and “loan term.” All the loans will be assumed to have a “weekly” repayment frequency. After the loan is approved, the user must be able to submit the weekly loan repayments. It can be a simplified repay functionality, which won’t need to check if the dates are correct but will just set the weekly amount to be repaid.

Choices I made for the application

- used Spatie Roles and Permissions package - https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-permission/v5/introduction
    - https://laravel-news.com/two-best-roles-permissions-packages
    - It has a very clear documentation and easy to understand
    - we can use core laravel's gate methods like `can` to check on any permissions created using this package

- Created a `LoanService` to separate out the business logic in the service and allow controller do what its job is,
    - accept the request from the route
    - send it to the loan service to process
    - get back the response from the service
    - finally send a json reponse back to the user

- Created Separate Request classes for request validation
- created `LoanPolicy` to manage different permissions while access different routes

Github repo


Postman API Documentation



  • Customer creates a loan
  • Admin approves the loan
  • Customer can only view self owned loan
  • Customer can repay the loan only once Admin approves the loan
  • Once customer pays all the scheduled payment the Loan is marked automatically marked as Paid
  1. Customer create a loan: Customer submit a loan request defining amount and term example:
    • Request amount of 10.000 $ with term 3 on date 7th Feb 2022
    • customer will generate 3 scheduled repayments:
    • 14th Feb 2022 with amount 3.333,33 $
    • 21st Feb 2022 with amount 3.333,33 $
    • 28th Feb 2022 with amount 3.333,34 $
    • the loan and scheduled repayments will have state PENDING
  2. Admin approve the loan:
    • Admin change the pending loans to state APPROVED
  3. Customer can view loan belong to him:
    • Add a policy check to make sure that the customers can view them own loan only.
  4. Customer add a repayments:
    • Customer add a repayment with amount greater or equal to the scheduled repayment
    • The scheduled repayment change the status to PAID
    • If all the scheduled repayments connected to a loan are PAID automatically also the loan become PAID

Packages used

  1. Spatie Roles & Permission Package - https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission
    • for managing users with different permissions and give them access to the required / allowed services only

Steps to Set up on local machine

  1. Get the application files
    1. download the zip or clone it from github - https://github.com/rohutech/laraloan
    2. put it at <your-sites-or-htdocs-folder-path> from where you can load the application
  2. Create a DB in mysql DB with name "petshop"
  3. run php artisan migrate
  4. run php artisan db:seed
  5. run php artisan serve
  6. You can access the app at

All the API urls will of format

  • /api/v1/<controller/method>
  • If you were to access the app at then the login route API url will be

List of avaiable End Points

I had a virtual host setup on my mac configured with http://laraloan.test domain, so the routes looked like :

  • Auth Routes

    • Register - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/auth/register
    • Login - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/auth/login
    • Logout - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/auth/logout
  • Loan Routes

    • Create Loan - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/loan/create
    • List Loans - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/loan/list
    • View Loan - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/loan/<loan_uuid>
    • Approve Loan - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/loan/approve
    • Repay Loan - http://laraloan.test/api/v1/loan/payment

Run Tests

  • Run all Tests at once

    • php artisan test
  • Run individual Tests with below command

    • Unit Test

      • php artisan test --filter=test_loan_service_methods
    • Feature Tests

      • Auth Tests
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_user_can_register
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_user_can_login
      • Loan Tests
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_create_loan
        • php artisan test --filter=test_an_admin_can_approve_loan
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_view_loan_list_of_only_self_with_no_loan_created
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_view_loan_list_of_only_self
        • php artisan test --filter=test_an_admin_can_view_loan_list_of_all_members
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_view_only_self_loan
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_cannot_view_other_users_loan
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_repay_loan
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_customer_can_only_repay_a_loan_if_the_loan_belongs_to_him
        • php artisan test --filter=test_a_loan_is_marked_as_paid_once_all_emis_are_paid