
Coding challenge for technical interviews

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This repository holds the code for Funktools that implements the fold function.


fold is a higher order function that takes

  • a sequence of type A
  • a "starting" value of type B
  • a function (A, B) -> B

and returns a B. E.g., the sum of an array is a special case of fold, where

  • the sequence is an array of numbers
  • the starting value is 0
  • the function is +

You can find more information on Wikipedia.

Code Structure

│   INSTRUCTIONS.md     | Given Instructions
│   README.md           
│   requirements.txt    | Dependencies
├───html                | PyDoc Documentation
│       examples.html   
│       funktools.html
│   │── examples.py     | Examples of using fold
│   │── funktools.py    | Implementation of fold
│   │── __init__.py
    │   test_funktools.py | Unit tests


  • Implement barebones fold to replicate reduce function from functools
  • Add test-cases to verify parity with reduce
  • Add fold-right & fold-left operations.
  • Add debug feature, print status on each iteration
  • Test other fold examples, like doing map or filters


  • No parallelism. Accumulator functions that are associative could be parallelized, but it is beyond the scope.


  • TODO - Add examples for these (maybe not the last)