To show the String on the rotating stick
POV - Persistence Of Vision
Initiated by- Programmed by- Rohan V Dvivedi Kativarpu Parthiv
Contribution to Database of structure of characters by- Sri Harsha Grandhi Anurag Anand KAtivarpu Parthiv
Contribution Mechanical Structure assembly , balancing and improvement by- Anurag Anand Parakh Gupta
Materials used :
8 - green clored LEDs 1 - Serial in- Parallel out shift register 1 - digital ir Sensor 1 - motor (rpm = 1000) 1 - on board 5v power supply 1 - arduino
Note -
- the LED to be glown in a frame were sent as data using SPI comm protocol using slave select pin as the latch, and utilizing only MOSI.
- IR sensor was used to detect the position of completion of one revolution
- by canging the delay 'd' in given code the width of characters can be changed