
A robust Reader Writer Lock library in C.

Primary LanguageC


A reader writer lock that allows

  • taking locks BLOCKING-ly or NON_BLOCKING-ly
  • It allows you to downgrade writer lock to reader lock and upgrade reader lock to writer lock (second of which may fail).
  • It allows you to have an external lock allowing you to build complex functionalities aroung this lock (see my projects Bufferpool and WALe).

Setup instructions

Install dependencies :

  • This project does not have any dependencies.

Download source code :

  • git clone https://github.com/RohanVDvivedi/ReaderWriterLock.git

Build from source :

  • cd ReaderWriterLock
  • make clean all

Install from the build :

  • sudo make install
  • Once you have installed from source, you may discard the build by make clean

Using The library

  • add -lrwlock -lpthread linker flag, while compiling your application
  • do not forget to include appropriate public api headers as and when needed. this includes
    • #include<rwlock.h>

Instructions for uninstalling library

Uninstall :

  • cd ReaderWriterLock
  • sudo make uninstall