
This is a recreation of Adi Shamir's paper "How to share a secret". It has been built for the final project of the course CSE 539 Applied Cryptography by Professor Jed Crandall at ASU.

Primary LanguagePython

My name is Rohan Dvivedi.

This project is built by me as a final project for course CSE 539 (Applied Cryptography by Professor Jed Crandall).

This project may be used only by the professor in any way he desires, with or without any credits to the author, Rohan Dvivedi.

To use this project, install the following dependencies :

  • pip3 install crypto
  • pip3 install pycrypto
  • pip3 install cryptodome
  • pip3 install cryptodomex

You can run this project as python3 secret_sharing.py. This project takes advantage of python's bignum implementation which is available in python 2.5+ and hence you must use python3 with this project.

After you start the script using python3 secret_sharing.py. This script will display a menu to allow you to perform the following 3 tasks

  • 0 -> create a big secret number
  • 1 -> share an already existing big secret to n individuals
  • 2 -> reconstruct the big secret from any of its k ( <= n ) individual parts
  • 3 -> exit script

Please refer to Adi Shamir's How to share a secret? paper for more information.