
This is a sample project for bare metal programming STM32F411 black pill board

Primary LanguageAssembly

STM32F411 template bare metal programming

This is a sample project for bare metal programming STM32F411 black pill board

setup requirements

  • stm32f411ceu6 microcontroller, with default factory bootloader (must)
  • Linux debian
  • sublime/vi/vim/gedit any
  • ARM cross compiler toolchain
    • sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi
  • To program the controller you will need either of the following options
    1. using usb to uart controller
    • stm32flash to flash the controller, considering the controller has default factory bootloader
      • sudo apt-get install stm32flash
    • usb to uart converter
      • PL2303HX, CP2102, ftdi etc
    1. using stlink
    • install stlink toolchain
    • stlinkv2 programmer
  • linker script and the startup code(with flash and ram addresses modified)
    • The project uses them directly copied from the arm crosscompiler toolchain samples and examples
    • it is tedious and generally unproductive to write them, but a very healthy mental excercise for people not used to them like myself.

I do not recommend baremetal programming.
1st May'2020 edit : I do recommend bare metal programming now, projects based on this template have made me learn immensely, since then.