- Clone or Download the Repo.
- Goto the Repo using Terminal.
- Run npm install, to install dependencies.
- Run nodemon index.js to ignite the project.
- Api to register customer. --> [POST] localhost:9000/customer/register [Enter ('email, phone_no, address, name') in postman to register customer]
- Api to upload customer photo. --> [POST] localhost:9000/customer/:id/upload [Attach image of customer, "pic"].
- Api to register admin. --> [POST] localhost:9000/admin/register [Enter ('name, email, password') in postman to register admin]
- Api to create session for admin. --> [POST] localhost:9000/admin/login [Enter ('email, password') in postman to login admin,(it will generate a token for further use)].
- Api to get data of particular customer. --> [GET] localhost:9000/admin/:id/check [Enter (' bearer token ') in postman to authenticate].
- Api to get data of customer(s) on date . --> [GET] localhost:9000/admin/onDate [Enter (' bearer token ') in postman to authenticate].