
Tech Stack: Node, Express, Mongo

Setup The Project

  1. Clone or Download the Repo.
  2. Goto the Repo using Terminal.
  3. Run npm install, to install dependencies.
  4. Run nodemon index.js to ignite the project.

API endpoints

  1. Api to register customer. --> [POST] localhost:9000/customer/register [Enter ('email, phone_no, address, name') in postman to register customer]
  2. Api to upload customer photo. --> [POST] localhost:9000/customer/:id/upload [Attach image of customer, "pic"].
  3. Api to register admin. --> [POST] localhost:9000/admin/register [Enter ('name, email, password') in postman to register admin]
  4. Api to create session for admin. --> [POST] localhost:9000/admin/login [Enter ('email, password') in postman to login admin,(it will generate a token for further use)].
  5. Api to get data of particular customer. --> [GET] localhost:9000/admin/:id/check [Enter (' bearer token ') in postman to authenticate].
  6. Api to get data of customer(s) on date . --> [GET] localhost:9000/admin/onDate [Enter (' bearer token ') in postman to authenticate].

Screenshots of working application

  1. Registering customer Semantic description of image

  2. Upload customer photo Semantic description of image

  3. Register admin Semantic description of image

  4. Create session for admin Semantic description of image

  5. Get data of particular customer Semantic description of image

  6. Get data of customer(s) on date Semantic description of image