
This is a application build using OpenALPR

Primary LanguagePython


This is a application build using OpenALPR and Python


  1. OpenALPR
  2. Python3.6
  3. Tkinter
  4. SQLite3

Install all the dependencies

git clone https://github.com/Rohit-Gupta-IIC/Arohi-ALPR.git
cd Arohi-ALPR
sudo chmod 777 run.sh

To execute

1. Through GUI:   click on the desktop icon, Aarohi.desktop
2. Through CLI:	  execute the following commands:
	2.1 grep '^Exec' Aarohi.desktop | tail -1 | sed 's/^Exec=//' | sed 's/%.//' | sed 's/^"//g' | sed 's/" *$//g'` &
	2.2 python3 logic.cpython-36.pyc

The Output can be found out by the following commands:

sqlitebrowser Aarohi.db

Images Folder

Some Images for testing has been provided in the Folder


  1. kindly move the traineddata file for your country out of the tessdata


OpenALPR requisite files for India

Github Pages

Github Pages Version can be viewed on https://rohit-gupta-iic.github.io/Arohi-ALPR/