
Library to add watermark/overlay on video using local image or view

Primary LanguageKotlin


This library will help you to add image/view overlay on video in easiest way.


  • Supports Android 10 and above
  • Handled scoped storage
  • You can set overlay position using local image or view object
  • JAR file size is ~60kb


Add the following to your build.gradle to use:

allprojects {
  repositories {
	 maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.Rohit-Paneliya:VideoOverlay:1.0'


            .setMainVideoFilePath(sampleVideoPath) // String file path for source video
            .setOverlayImagePosition(OverlayPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER) // Overlay image position (Optional)
            .setOverlayImage(imageView) // View object or file path of the image 
            .setOutputFolderName("Output") // Optional
            .setListener(this) // mandatory to set the listener


You must need to implement the interface VideoOverlayCallBack to get the following callbacks:

override fun showLoader() { }
override fun hideLoader() { }
override fun progressStatistics(statistics: ProgressStatistics) { }
override fun progressLogs(executionLogs: ExecutionLogs) { }
override fun success(outputFileUri:Uri) { } // OUTPUT: Video Uri after the successful operation
override fun failed() { }