Hi there 👋 I'm Dheeraj and I'm very passionate about iOS Development and UI/UX designing

About Me

  • I'm a self taught iOS Developer and love to share my knowledge by contributing to open source projects.

  • I've instagram page in which I try to share iOS content, Tips and may be some rough ideas... how i became what I am today, more intuitively hope you like thoes. Checkout if you haven't here 🙃 .

  • Check my open source project Quotes App which is Quotes browsing app in SwiftUI using Quotable Free API. Watch Quotes App repo below 👇

  • If you're beginner iOS developer do watch my Pixel repo it will cover your basic to advance concepts. And for learning animation and complex layouts in swift or SwiftUI must watch Design_to_code series!

dheerajghub dheerajghub

Languages and Tools I used

Swift Xcode Xcode Instruments Jira OpenAI AWS Firebase Tuist JWT Postgres Vapor MongoDB Trello Notion GraphQL Apollo GraphQL Postman Swagger CocoaPods

Connect with me

LinkedIn Instagram

Explore my repos to know more.... 👇