This app is REST based API that allows you to fetch data from tmdb and other api's - this is the backend for RFLIX-FRONTEND-1706.
It also caches the data fetched from tmdb api using redis for faster response.

The backend is hosted on - https://rflix-backend-1706.onrender.com/
The frontend is hosted on - https://rflix-frontend-1706.netlify.app/
Frontend repo link - https://github.com/RohitShah1706/Rflix-frontend-1706

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file


API Reference

BASE_URL = localhost:5000 or https://rflix-backend-1706.onrender.com

Get top movies

  GET BASE_URL/api/top250movies/start/end
Parameter Type Description
start string Optional. Get top movies starting from this no.
end string Optional. Get top movies till this no.

Get top series

  GET BASE_URL/api/top250series/start/end
Parameter Type Description
start string Optional. Get top series starting from this no.
end string Optional. Get top series till this no.

Get top movies in theatres

  GET BASE_URL/api/inTheatres/start/end
Parameter Type Description
start string Optional. Get top series starting from this no.
end string Optional. Get top series till this no.

Get top movies in given genre

  GET BASE_URL/api/genres/movies/genre_id/start/end
Parameter Type Description
genre_id string Required. genre_id is specific to TMDB API.
start string Optional. Get top movies of given genre_id starting from this no.
end string Optional. Get top movies of given genre_id till this no.

Get top series in given genre

  GET BASE_URL/api/genres/series/genre_id/start/end
Parameter Type Description
genre_id string Required. genre_id is specific to TMDB API.
start string Optional. Get top series of given genre_id starting from this no.
end string Optional. Get top series of given genre_id till this no.

Get embed links for youtube trailer of specific movies

  GET BASE_URL/api/trailer/movie/tmdb_id
Parameter Type Description
tmdb_id string Required. tmdb_id is specific to TMDB API.

Get embed links for youtube trailer of specific series

  GET BASE_URL/api/trailer/series/tmdb_id
Parameter Type Description
tmdb_id string Required. tmdb_id is specific to TMDB API.

Get a new room for video chat

  GET BASE_URL/api/meetingroom

Sign in a new user with google firebase

  POST BASE_URL/api/users/signin
Data Type Description
Google firebase user object json Required

Get a user's list of stored movies and series

  POST BASE_URL/api/users
Data Type Description
Google firebase user object json Required

Add a movie or series to user's my list

  POST BASE_URL/api/users/addtomylist
Data Type Description
Google firebase user object json Required

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/RohitShah1706/Rflix-backend-1706.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Rflix-backend-1706

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  node server.js
