
A model that continuously recognizes the traffic signs and changes the speed of the vehicle accordingly.

Primary LanguagePython

Visual Speed Simulator

A Model which continuously captures images/frames from camera, recognises the traffic signs and changes the speed of the vehicle accordingly.

Working of model:

  1. The speed simulator uses the available camera and takes frames after every 5 seconds.
  2. The model tries to recognise if there is any traffic sign present in the image.
  3. If the model detects a traffic/road sign, it accordingly suggests the changes to be made to the speed of the vehicle.


  1. The external camera is used with the help of python library Opencv
  2. Machine learning model which predicts the traffic/road sign present in the image.

Dataset for the ML model:

  • The machine learning model was trained with images of 4 different traffic/road signs

      1. red traffic sign
      2. green traffic sign
      3. "slow" road sign
      4. "stop" road sign


  • For each of these classes, 200 images were used of which 80% were traing Dataset and 20% testing Dataset.

Libraries used:

  1. opencv-python ==
  2. PyAutoGUI == 0.9.53
  3. scikit-learn == 0.22.2.post1
  4. scikit-image == 0.16.2
  5. pickle == 4.0
  6. matplotlib == 3.2.2
  7. numpy