
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. SSH

SSH is a protocol like FTP,IMAP, POP3, HTTP, HTTPS (transmission is secured that is encrypted, so eavsdropping will not work)

SSH allows us to communicate between two computers over internet. WE can modify files on remote computer. It is also secured.

Shell allows us to talk to the operating system. So we can access the OS and file system on the other system.

HOST is the remote server. CLIENT is the system you are using to access the remote system.

-->command to connect<-- ssh {user}@{host} eg: ssh root@ipaddress

How to connect ssh to github?

SSH allows us to connect us to our office laptop from home.

sudo apt-get is a command to install things in ubuntu cmd

Symmetrical Encyrption - same key to encrypt and decrypt (SSH shared key) Assymmetrical Encyrption - public and private keys

Passwords or SSH

  1. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Optimized Code Critical Render Path PWA GZIP Minimize Files Minimize Delivery CDNs Caching DB Scaling Load Balancing

Media queries can load different images based on size of screen.So use small images for small screen size. Media queries wont load images which are not required based on media query.

CDNs optimize images and allow faster access to them. Remove metatags from photos for performance and security reasons

JPGs used for photographs, dont allow transparency..are big bit in filesize Gifs are bit grainy allows animation , small file size, Pngs are smaller than jpegs, used for logos, add transparency SVGs exapndable vector images, low on filesize, good for 4k display, for icons

PWA Everything you wanted to know

Progressively enhance webapps to look and feel like native apps 1.Be reliable: Load fast and offline functionality 2.Fast: Respond qickly to user actions 3.Engaging: Feel like a native app on mobile devices

Service Workers are used

Core Building Blocks of PWA are

  1. Service Workers(It is javascript running in background process which allows caching/offline support, push notification),
  2. Application Manifest: Allows our web app installable
  3. Responsive Design
  4. APIs like geolocation, camera

PWAs and SPAs Both are different PWA can be implemented in SPAs and any other webpage

Progressive Enhancement: Gradually Adding PWA Features into exisiting project

Things we learn Application manifest Service Workers Basics Promise and Fetch API Service Workers Caching (Offline Access) Advanced Caching Strategies Caching Dynamic Data with IndexedDB Responsive Design Background Sync Web Push Notifications Media API (Camera) & Geolocation Automated Service Management SPAs and PWAs with framework

Lighthouse: For Auditing PWA in Google Chrome

Web App Manifest Allows us to install the web app in the mobile. manifest.json in the root folder has properties for the app

Criteria for installable PWA Has a web app manifest file Has a service worker registered on your site Is served over HTTPS ( a requirement for service workers) Is visited atleast twice in 5 minutes

SERVICE WORKERS - Runs on a seperate javascript thread because they work in the background decoupled from HTML pages, manages all pages of a given scope. It lives on even after the page is closed. They are good to reacting to events by HTML or javascript. That is what they do. They listen to specific events.


Service workers are used in push notifications because it works even if we close our browser.

Service Worker Life Register as a background service -> Installation(Refreshes if changed) -> Activation -> Idle -> Fetch-> Terminated

For Browser Support Check of PWA Isserviceworkerready.com

start http-server -c-l
-c --> flag browser cache off for development purpoer because we make code changes in development based on where service worker file is located it will control all child folders. so bettwer keep it in root folder

Installing Service Worker vs Activating Service Workers

Fetch is triggered by the web application while install and activate arre triggered by the browser.

Request Header is set by the client side and Response Header is set by the server side.

If server is setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin to : localhost:8080, hen this data will be accessible by this origin on the browser.

Mode: 'no-cors' allows to get rid of this error but still we cant access the data using javascript,

Service workers use Fetch and not AJAX.

Service workers relies heavily on PromiseAPI and FetchAPI. Good understanding of these is very important.

Feature 1 of PWA : Caching -- For offline access or poor connection cases

The Cache API store key value pairs of request and response so if no internet is available it will fetch from the Cache API

Cache the APP SHELL eg. the footer , header , sidebar.

Run the application using localhost unless you are service over HTTPS otherwise serviceWorker will not available in navigator.

In Caching we have to add in the cache and retreive from the cache.

AddAll allows us to cache all in the array.

Change the cache name for versioning. and remove old cache after activation of new cache.

On demand caching : Based on user clicks like save an article for future reading.

Default Fallback Page if Network goes away.

Strategy 1: Cache with Network Fallback

Strategy 2: Cache Only

Strategy 3: Network Only

Strategy 4: Network with cache fallback. -> If no network then fetch from cache, fails is slow network

Strategy 5: Cache then Network -> The page directly access cache but networks to get updated data

Caching Dynamic Content with IndexedDB

Dynamic json data is used to be cached in indexedb IndexDB is a transactional key value database in the browser. Can store files and blobs. Can be accessed asynchronously.

Localstorage and session storage cannot be used in service worker because it is used synchronously. IndexDB can be used in SW because it can be accessed asynchronously.

Background Sync Store User Data when offline and push once internet is available only available if SyncManager API is available

Push Notifications in PWA even when the phone is in pocket. 1.Ask user for permission for push notifications 2.Check for existing Subscriptions subscriptions are browser + device combinations

Note: Service Workers are not a requirement for push notifications wecan use javascript directly for it.