Sentiment Analysis using R

Sentiment Analysis using Tweets. The tweets (related to a topic/hashtag) used are no more than 7 days old.

Click here for demo.


Install R

Select your nearest mirror from here, download and install the pre-compiled distribution with respect to your OS.

Create a Twitter Developer Account

  • Create a twitter account, if you don't have one yet.
  • Go to Twitter Developer and click on "Apply for a developer account".
  • login with your twitter account if prompted.
  • Select your Primary reason for using Twitter Developer Tools.
  • Verify the Twitter Username details associated to the developer account.
  • Fill all the data required about your organization.
  • Describe your intended use of the Twitter API.
  • Describe how you plan to use the Twitter API.
  • Accept the Developer Agreement (After reading, obviously) and verify your email account.
  • Your application is under review, and you will receive a notification with the result.

Create a new app in Twitter Developer

  • Go to Twitter Developer Apps, login if prompted.
  • Click on "create an app".
  • Fill up all the required fields and submit.
  • Once verified you will be granted the customer and access keys.

How to use the code

Use any IDE or text editor of your interest.

Download and install the packages listed

  • NLP
  • twitteR
  • syuzhet
  • tm
  • SnowballC
  • stringi
  • ROAuth
  • base64enc
  • tm
  • ggplot2
  • wordcloud

Use the Consumer API key, Consumer API secret key, Access token and Access token secret obtained from the app created on Twitter Developer for "Twitter Access Authentication".

# Twitter Access Authentication

consumer_key <- 'Customer API key here'
consumer_secret <- 'Customer API secret key here'
access_token <- 'Access token here'
access_secret <- 'Access token secret here'

Choose the topic you'd like to analyse.

# Fetch tweets

tweets <- searchTwitter("#topic", n=1000,lang = "en")

In the "Fetch tweets" cell, replace "topic" with the topic you chose, "n" or the number of tweets related to the topic to be downloaded is set to a 1000 and "lang" or language is set to "English". Parameters "n" and "lang" are changeable.

Run the cells to view the sentiment graph.