Project Submission: Cryptocurrency Tracker Website

Project Overview

This project is a web application for tracking cryptocurrencies, built using Next.js. It aims to provide real-time updates on cryptocurrency prices, detailed information on individual cryptocurrencies, and display global market trends.


  1. Develop a user-friendly web application to track various cryptocurrencies.
  2. Provide real-time updates on cryptocurrency prices.
  3. Offer detailed information on individual cryptocurrencies, including historical data and market trends.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend Framework: Next.js
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS, Styled-Components
  • State Management: Redux/Redux Toolkit
  • Deployment: Vercel


Follow these steps to set up the Cryptonite application on your local machine:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd Rohit_Assignment
  3. Install Dependencies:

    Install the necessary dependencies for the project:

    npm install
  4. Run the Development Server:

    Start the Next.js development server:

    npm run dev

    After running this command, the application will be available locally at http://localhost:3000.

Features & Overview of the Website

1. Homepage

  • Global Market Cap Chart: Display a line or candle graph showing the global market cap data for cryptocurrencies.
  • Public Companies Holdings: Display information about public companies holding Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Homepage Images

Homepage 1 Homepage 2

2. Explore Page

  • Paginated Coin List/Grid: Display a paginated list or grid of cryptocurrencies, with each page containing 20 items and navigation to load more.
  • Navigation: Clicking on a card routes the user to the product page of the selected cryptocurrency.

Explore Page Image


3. Product Page

  • Basic Information: Display basic information about the selected cryptocurrency.
  • Price Graph: Show a candle or line graph of the cryptocurrency’s price over time.

Product Page Image

Coin Details

4. Common Header

  • Application Name: Display the name of the application.
  • Search Bar: Include a search bar that shows suggested cryptocurrencies as the user types.

API Integration

  • Primary API: CoinGecko API for fetching real-time data and historical data.
  • Additional APIs: Use additional APIs to fetch data on public companies holding Bitcoin and Ethereum (if required).

Development Considerations

  • API Key: Ensure to generate an API key and check the limits on requests per minute and per day.
  • State Management: Use any state management library (Redux/Redux Toolkit, Zustand, Jotai).
  • Loading, Error, and Empty States: Handle loading, error, and empty states appropriately.
  • Folder Structure: Follow a standard, well-defined folder structure.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the UI is responsive and supports multiple screen sizes.
  • Deployment: Deploy the working code on any website hosting platform (GitHub, Vercel, Netlify, Firebase).
  • Third-Party Libraries: Avoid using utility libraries such as underscore.js, lodash, day.js.
  • Graph Libraries: You can use a third-party library for line graphs.
  • Caching: Cache API responses (with expiration) for all the pages.
  • UI Creativity: Explore and use creativity to come up with a unique yet usable UI.

Brownie Points

  • Dynamic Theme Switching: Implement a dynamic theme-switching feature for toggling between Light and Dark modes.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Utilize Next.js's server-side rendering capabilities.
  • Search Bar Suggestions: Integrate a feature in the search bar to display recently searched items as suggestions.
  • Mock Live Price Ticker: Simulate a live price ticker using a Pub-Sub mechanism, providing real-time updates on the product page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

API and Data Handling

Q: What happens if the API request limit is reached?

  • If the API request limit is reached, the website may temporarily stop fetching new data until the limit resets. You may see a message indicating that the API limit has been reached and suggesting you try again later.

Q: What are the common API errors and rate limits?

  • Common API errors include exceeding the rate limit, invalid API keys, and network issues. Each API provider has specific rate limits, which are typically documented on their website.

Useful Links

ThnakYou !