
Simple node app that allows one to configure mysql queries and send data to a Google sheet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Does what it says on the tin. Takes data in your MySql database and uploads it to a Google Sheet.

Multiple MySql servers? No problem. Multiple sheets? No problem.



npx mysql2sheet --path=./your_config.js


npm install mysql2sheet
mysql2sheet --path=./your_config.js 


In the example above, the path parameter refers to a path to a file containing the tasks to execute.

Task Definition

Your task definition file defines one or more tasks to execute. Each task has the following fields:

  • name - the name of the task
  • connection - the name of the mysql connection to use
  • schema - the schema to execute your query against
  • sql - the sql query to execute and retrieve results
  • mapData - function to map sql results to what needs to be uploaded to your sheet, note that the last result in your sql query is mapped here - go wild :)
  • type - result type, either scalar (single value) or table
  • googleCredential - the name of the Google Credential to use
  • googleSheetId - the sheet identifier to use (you can get this from the Sheet URL)
  • googleSheetRange - where to map the MySql query results to, example YOUR_SHEET_NAME!A1:A2
  • clearRange - boolean (defaults to false) - if true, clears the googleSheetRange before uplaoding data
Example Task Definition
const tasks = [
        name: "Total Hours",
        connection: "prodtime",
        schema: "projects",
        sql: `select sum(time) as hours from timeentries`,
        mapData: (x) => [x.hours],
        type: 'scalar',
        googleCredential: "gcred",
        googleSheetId: "grab-sheet-id-from-sheet-url",
        googleSheetRange: "Stats!B2:B2",
        name: "Project Times",
        connection: "prodtime",
        schema: "projects",
        sql: `select name, sum(time) as hours from timeentries group by name`,
        mapData: (x) => [x.name, x.hours],
        type: 'table',
        clearRange: true,
        googleCredential: "gcred",
        googleSheetId: "grab-sheet-id-from-sheet-url",
        googleSheetRange: "Stats!E2:F",

module.exports = {
    tasks: tasks,
    settings: {
        mysql: {
            prodtime: {
                host: "localhost",
                user: "root",
                password: "root",
                port: "3306"
        google: {
            gcred: {
                "type": "service_account",
                // ...

MySql Connections and Google Credential Settings

Note how in the above example, connection and googleCredential refer to keys defined in the settings object.

To set up your Google Credentials, see https://www.npmjs.com/package/googleapis#service-account-credentials Note: Make sure you share the sheet (with Editor rights) with the email address noted in the client_email param of the service account JSON.