
A Cloud disk for all the data needed for drone system

Primary LanguageC++


A Cloud disk for all the data needed for drone system

One thing to mention before:

This website is only used for simulation on how a whole drone system works.

Basic Knowledge on how to use GitHub:

If you are a Windows user, maybe life is a little harder. Linux/ Mac OS can directly start with Terminal, while Windows user may have to do some other settings on their cmd first.


If you use git for the first time, you need to add your user information to your computer first. Then your computer will generate a key called SSH-KEY which helps github (website) to know who are you.

I've found two good explanations on how to generate an ssh-key and connect it to github. Just pick one or search by yourself.

https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/connecting-to-github-with-ssh (English)

https://blog.csdn.net/u013778905/article/details/83501204 (Chinese)

Login in terminal (command line)

ssh -T git@github.com

Type the code above, and enter your password, then it will show a line like:

Hi Roihn! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

which means you succeed.


To download or upload the data, you need to have a local repository which is the same as the one on the website first. Then you can do all your revisions in local repository, and upload it to the website when you want.

git clone git@github.com:Roihn/Drone_Data.git /Users/pengrun/Desktop/pengrun/DRONE

you need to follow the following grammar:

git clone "the repository you need to clone" "where you want to put your local repository"

For this project, you need to change both of the parts

To get the first part, you need to do the following:


You need to fork this repository to your own account first, so that you will have the permission to do the changes.

How to fork?

there is a button on this website. just press the button fork and find it in your own repository.

Then in your repository, press Clone and download->Clone with SSH

And the code in the blank will be the SSH of your repository ("the repository you need to clone").

The second part will be the either the absolute path of your folder, or you use command cd to go to the folder first, and just keep the place blanc.


After you have cloned the repository, and done some revisions on your local repository, you can push what you have done to the fork of this repository.

git add . #which adds all your changes to the website
git commit -m "XXXX" #XXXX is the place for you to write what you have done on this version of your work
git push origin master  #finally you push your work to the website

You only need to change "XXXX" every time, and the mark "" is needed.

One example:

git add . 
git commit -m "Readme updated" 
git push origin master 

One thing to mention is that: you need to first use cd command to go into your local repository, and then type the commands above.

Pull new Request

You need to pull new request to this repository, so that your changes made in your fork will finally get updated to this repository.

You can pull a new request on the website. After pulling a request, I will do the check and merge it.


Everytime you start your project, please fetch the repository first. Fetch means you need to know what has been updated on the website, and do the update on your local repository.

Useful Tool

There are some softwares like "Github Desktop" which simplifies the process above. If you have troubles with those above, maybe you can turn to use those tools instead.