
Primary LanguagePython

SGD Predictor

LG AI research pre-coding test

💻 Get Started

# Clone Repository
git clone https://github.com/roihn/SGD_LG_Test.git
cd SGD_LG_Test

# Setup Environment
conda create --name sgd python=3.10
conda activate sgd
pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the tests, you need to download the checkpoints here

After downloading the checkpoints, you need to unzip the models.zip file and place the following three folders in the ./models folder.

The file structure should look like this:

├── data
├── legacy
├── models
│   ├── model_act_100
│   ├── model_slot_100
│   └── model_value_100
├── src

where model_act_100, model_slot_100, and model_value_100 are the three folders that you need to place in the ./models folder.

You do not need to

📝 Usage

python src/nlu.py <utterance>

For example:

(sgd) python src/nlu.py "I am feeling hungry so I would like to find a place to eat."
(act=INFORM_INTENT, slot=intent, value=FindRestaurants)

📝 Train

To train the model, you need to first separately train the three models for act, slot, and value prediction.

python main.py --model act
python main.py --model slot
python main.py --model value

Then we can apply the evaluation script to evaluate the performance of the merged models.

python src/eval_limited.py

Varying supervision

To train the model with varying supervision, you can simply pass the --proportion argument to the main.py script.

python main.py --model act --proportion 10
python main.py --model slot --proportion 10
python main.py --model value --proportion 10

and the related evaluation:

python src/eval_limited.py --proportion 10 # for 10% supervision

Here is the list of proportions that is supported: [10, 30, 50, 100].

*Since there is no seed specified for training, the reproduced result may slightly differ.