Node Filter is all-in-one local-first outlining knowledge management tool with an advanced hierarchical query system that relies on the concepts of structured data, transclusion(ability to copy and mirror nodes and their descendants) and hierarchical filtering to let the users create and query their own transitive ontologies and hierarchies of abstractions out of their daily notes, as well as create their own user-defined PKM functionality/workflows of any complexity.

Node Filter was created in an effort to break down note-taking and knowledge management to an atomic-level detail and to add ability to place any individual note/fact in a user-defined ontology that can be queried transitively in a way similar to SPARQL queries.
This project is an attempt at mixing note-taking and ontologies with as little friction as possible.
Node Filter has a Desktop version and an experimental Web/mobile PWA support provided by its' Qt for WebAssembly port. It is currently possible to share/sync the knowledge base between desktop, web, and mobile versions of Node Filter.

Structure of the knowledge base

User input is organized in a tree structure in which each node can contain arbitrary text and any node can be copied to any place in the hierarchy. Cloned nodes mirror each other's descendants.
Hierarchical queries are used to find all descendants(and all their copies) of a specified node.

Example of usage An example of how to use a hierarchy of concepts with automatic tagging in NodeFilter, given the following knowledge base:

--violation of law
---- property crime
-----violent crime
--Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, threat of force, or by putting the victim in fear.

In the example above, a definition of robbery is tagged as robbery, but this definition will also come up in the results when searching for property crime, violent crime, crime, etc..

"robbery" node under "Notes" is copied from one of the "robbery" nodes in "wrongdoing" hierarchy.

If we search for all descendants of "robbery", all 3 instances of "robbery" node would come up. Every node in the knowledge base is checked to see if it is a copy of "robbery" node.
The query for descendants of "robbery" will look like this:
<<<:*id of robbery node*
If we search for all descendants of "property crime", then again, all 3 instances of "robbery" will match the filter. In this case, every node in the knowledge base is checked if it's a copy of either "property crime","theft" or "robbery" node.
The query for descendants of "property crime" will look like this:
<<<:*id of property crime node*


Hierarchical filtering in combination with the use of copied nodes can be used to create a user-defined PKM workflow of any complexity.
Hierarchical filtering can be used to build a hierarchy(or multiple linked hierarchies) of abstractions of arbitrary depth that can be used as a transitive tagging system. A hierarchy of abstractions can be defined by the user. Hierarchies can be built going from specific things up to abstract concepts.
A hierarchical filter roughly translates to "Find all descendants of node X", where node X is specified in the filter. A hierarchical filter matches all descendants of node X and, optionally(depending on the type of hierarchical filter), all copies of descendants of node X. Hierarchical filtering can be used to emulate the bi-directional linking functionality, and to extend it to support different user-defined types of bi-directional links.
See Query syntax below for more information on types of hierarchical filters.


Node Filter has an experimental local-first web and mobile support provided by its WebAssembly port.
A WebAssembly port of Node Filter with a guide to Node Filter's functionality as well as examples of usage:
The web version of Node Filter is generally meant to be used only if a desktop version is not available(for example, on mobile platforms), however, it has almost all the Desktop version's features with a few limitations which are specified in the demo. Currently, it is possible to share/sync the knowledge base across desktop, web, and mobile versions of Node Filter. Supported target browsers/devices by Qt for WebAssembly:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari(not tested for Node Filter)
  • Edge (Chrome)

The demo storage contains links to video tutorials and the following examples of workflows:

  • Examples of basic Node Filter functionality (copying nodes, hierarchical queries, etc.)
  • Daily documents workflow example
  • Wikidata transitive ontology used as a tagging system
  • Example of ontology use
  • Task management/Priority Matrix example
  • Cost/Benefit Priority matrix examples
  • Property/Sorting example
  • Bi-directional linking example
  • Spaced repetition example
  • other stuff

Query syntax:

There are several types of filters.
1.Hierarchical filters:
>:*id of node X* - shows only direct descendants of node X.The filter matches if any node in the knowledge base is either Node X or it's descendants. Example:
>:*id of node X*&&r:[7-9]
Descendants of node X which contain numbers from 7 to 9

>>:*id of node X* - shows transclusive descendants(copied descendants) of node X and of it's copied nodes. The filter matches if any node in the knowledge base is the same node or is a copied node of either Node X or it's descendants. Example:
>>:*id of node X*&&>>:*id of node Y*&&NOT&&>>:*id of node Z*&&query
Transclusive descendants of both node X and node Y but not node Z which contain "query"

>>>:*id of node X* - shows only direct transclusive descendants.The filter matches if any node in the knowledge base is the same node or is a copied node of either Node X or it's descendants.
>^::*id of node X* - matches any node Y if node Y or any ascendant of node Y is a node X or a copy of node X.
<:*id of node X* - shows all ascendants of node X up to the root node.
<<:*id of node X* - shows transclusive ascendants of node X.I.e. if node X or any ascendant of node X is a copy of a any node Y, then node Y matches this filter.
2.Regex filter: r:*regex expression*
All nodes that match the regex expression are shown.
3.Default string filter(without any prefix): *any number of words separated by space*
Node X matches the filter if node X or any ascendant of node X contains one of the words in queried words 4.Sorting queries:
In a tree structure, only sibling nodes are compared to each other when the tree is sorted.
The soritng method is desinged to emulate a table functionality. Nodes are sorted by the "value" of their child node(child nodes play the role of properties, "value" of the property is just the first child node of this property ).

4.1. sortNAsc:*id of a node X* - the nodes which have node X as descendant are sorted numerically by the value of the first child of node X in ascending order.
4.2. sortNDesc:*id of a node X* - the nodes which have node X as descendant are sorted numerically by the value of the first child of node X in descending order.
4.3. sortAAsc:*id of a node X* - the nodes which have node X as descendant are sorted alphabetically by the value of the first child of node X in ascending order.
4.4. sortADesc:*id of a node X* - the nodes which have node X as descendant are sorted alphabetically by the value of the first child of node X in descending order.

Example: Template node "Priority" is copied as a child of two sibling nodes - node Z and node Y.Insert a child node for each created "Priority" node (there are two new ones now, descending from node z and node Y).Set the values,for example, as 12 and 9 respectively.
In this case, sortNAsc:id of a Priority node will put node Y over node Z, since the 9 is less than 12 and the order is ascending.
sortNDesc:*id of a Priority node* will put Node Z over node X.
1.If node X matches the filter, then all of node X ascendants up to the root node will be shown in the tree
2.Multiple filters can be combined into one query(separated by "&&").
>:*id of node X*&&WordA
Descendants of node X which contain string "WordA" are shown
3.Template nodes are marked green, copied nodes are marked blue.
4.Filters can be negated by the use of NOT operator or softened by the use of OR operator.
Example of a negated query:
a) NOT&&WordB
Nodes which don't contain WordB will be shown
b) WordA&&NOT&&WordB
Result:Nodes which contain WordA but don't contain WordB will be shown
OR operator will match if node X matches the following part of query and will not match if node X matches none of the parts of query following the operator
Example of softened query:
OR&&>:*id of node X*&&OR&&>:*id of node Y*
Show descendants of node X and node Y
5. > and >> operators can specify how many levels of descendants will match the filter. For example, >1:*id of node X* will only match node X and >2:id of node X will match the children of node X as well. By default, these operators will match all descendants.
6. Order of queries in a combined query matters. By default, each next query filters the results of the previous.


Desktop Node Filter is currently navigated only through keyboard shortcuts(see the full list of shortcuts below).
Any number of tabs and windows can be created(Ctrl-T and Ctrl-K shortcuts respectively).
Workflow for filtering:
For hierarchical filtering, the id of the selected node is needed(press Ctrl-E to copy the id of the selected node to the clipboard and Ctrl-V to paste the id to the search box).
Example of id: {741211e4-141c-424c-a80d-35ffa423ea58}
Example of hierarchical query:
>>: {741211e4-141c-424c-a80d-35ffa423ea58}
To move nodes, copy the node(Ctrl-Q) and insert it at its destination(Ctrl-M or Ctrl-Shift-M).
To see children of node X, expand node X(Ctrl-G).
To search for a node, create a new tab/window and use any type of filter, like the default hierarchical string search or regex search. It's also possible to query the current tab and then to go back to the previous query.
To zoom into node X, filter the data to show descendants of node X(example of query: >:id of node X). Alternatively, use Ctrl-O shortcut.
To go to the previous query in the current tab, Ctrl-z the query in the search box and Ctrl-Y to go to the next query.

Full list of shortcuts relevant to navigation:

Ctrl-G - expand/hide(toggle) the selected node
Ctrl-Shift-G - incrementally expand descendant nodes of the selected node
Ctrl-F - move focus to the search box of the current tab
Escape key (when focus is on the search box) - move focus from the search box back to node hierarchy
Ctrl-Shift-Q - move the keyboard focus to the tab on the left
Ctrl-Shift-E - move the keyboard focus to the tab on the right
Ctrl-T - open new tab
Ctrl-W - close current tab
Ctrl-K - open new window
Ctrl-Shift-W - save current session and exit
Ctrl-Shift-U - discard current session and exit
Ctrl-O - zoom into the selected node

Node manipulation shortcuts

Ctrl-Shift-N - insert new node as a child of the selected node.
Ctrl-N - iinsert new node as a sibling of the selected node
Ctrl-Q - copy the selected node.
Ctrl-M - insert the copied node as a sibling of the selected node
Ctrl-Shift-M - insert the copied node as a child of the selected node
Ctrl-D - delete the selected node and all it's descendants
Ctrl-E - copy the id of the selected node to the clipboard (Ctrl-V to insert the id in the search box) Ctrl-P - mark the selected node as a template(or as a "blocking node"). Template nodes don't "mirror" the children of their copied nodes. By default, if a some node is inserted as a child of a node copied from node X, then node X will copy the inserted node. Template node disable this behaviour for the selected node
Ctrl-Shift-P -remove the template mark from the selected node
Ctrl-S - save the changes manually

Notes on WebAssembly/PWA/Mobile support

The source code for the WebAssembly port of Node Filter is available at the gh-pages branch of this repository.
To install Node Filter's PWA on mobile,visit Node Filter's website and tap Add to home screen.
To access the node manipulation/navigation interface on mobile, tap on any black dot to the left of any node.The desktop WebAssembly port of Node Filter, in addition to this interface, also supports keyboard shortcut interface similar to desktop.
It should be noted that PWA version of Node Filter can be used offline without the desktop app, or it can share the knowledge base across several devices with desktop/web versions of Node Filter.
The knowledge base needs to be loaded before each session and saved after the end of each session.


For now, the easiest way to build NodeFilter is through the QT Creator as a project. You will also need to build Qt Quick 2 QML Treeview since it is distributed as a Qt extension. Dependencies:
Qt 5.15
QtQuick 2.15
Qt Quick 2 QML Treeview -
Note that Qt Quick 2 QML Treeview is not a part of core Qt and only builds with qmake in Qt5.


Windows: download latest version from Releases.
Linux/Mac: At this time, the only available way to install Node Filter on these platforms without the need to build from source is to install a PWA of a WebAssembly port of Node Filter. After the installation, Node Filter PWA will be able to work offline as a standalone application.

