
Dotfiles for unix, managed by GNU stow.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


bar               > awesome,polybar,lemonbar
compositor        > compton
extra background  > pscircle
fonts             > iosevka,roboto mono,liberation mono,material-icons,dina,ttf-anka-coder,NERD fonts
image viewer      > feh
irc               > weechat
multimedia        > mpv,ncmpcpp,mpc,alsa
program launcher  > rofi,dmenu
PDF viewer        > zathura
terms             > xst
wm                > awesome,subtle,i3-gaps
mails             > offlineimap,msmtp and neomutt

A list of dependendies can be found here if need. For an old wallpaper, search here.

Table of contents

Installation for the last theme

For the last theme-morpho, please, follow the procedure on the wiki page.


If you are blocked with stow or need more explanations, see the wiki page before post an issue.


Here all the vim plugins i use:

name description name description
ale asynchronous check vim-devicons add icon to vim
colorizer colorize hexa code vim-gpg used like a password manager
indentLine display indentation level nerdtree tree explorer
lightline top, bottom bar vim-gitgutter git diff in sign column
lightline-bufferline extend lightline pathogen load vim plugins
vim-tmux-navigator used with tmux

On gentoo (with ninjatools):

sudo emerge -av app-vim/gnupg app-vim/lightline gitgutter nerdtree pathogen app-vim/ale vim-devicons app-vim/colorizer vim-tmux-navigator indentline lightline-bufferline

And for all the vim colorscheme i use, with pathogen

./install --vim


For the shell, i use zsh with plugins oh-my-zsh with spaceship-prompt.
You can install theses repos with:

./install --zsh


To recover all the wallpapers i used, you need to install wget and execute a:

./install --images

You have to launch this each time a new theme come.
It's all for the setup :)



Last:theme-morpho term: xst, vim-color: darkest-space, font: Iosevka Term Nerd Font.

clean start screen tiling
clean start_screen tiling

theme-miami term: xst, vim-color: fromthehell, font: Space Mono Nerd Font.

start_screen widget terms (xst) - lightline.vim - tmux
miami screenshot terms

theme-machine term:xst, vim-color: darkest-space, font: Space Mono Nerd Font.
Machine screenshot

theme-anonymous [term]: xst [vim-color] darkest-space, [font] Nerd Font Iosevka.
Anonymous screenshot

theme-connected term: xst, vim-color: gruvbox material, font: Nerd Roboto Mono.
Connected screenshot


theme-lost [term]: kitty [vim-color] OceanicNext, [font] Nerd Roboto Mono.
Lost screenshot

theme-sombra [term]: kitty [vim-color] material.vim, [font] Anka/Coder.
Sombra screenshot

theme-empire, [wm]:subtle or i3. [term]: termite or kitty. [vim-color] fromthehell.vim [font] Iosevka Term.
Empire screenshot


theme-madness, [wm]: i3 or subtle. [term]: termite or kitty. [vim-color] darkest-space [font] dina.
Madness screenshot

theme-city, [wm]: i3 or subtle. [term]: termite or kitty. [vim-color] darkest-space City screenshot

Other screenshots

More screenshots are available at unix-portfolio.


Any support will be greatly appreciated, star the repo, a coffee, donation, thanks you !

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