This is just a simple alexa skill boilerplate built using alexa sdk v2.
To run the project AWS, ASK credentials and Bespoken tools have to be set up:
To run project in the development environment:
- Pull the repo
- Install dependencies using npm, yarn or another package manager (I'll use yarn as default) so just run it using the command:
- To run the project run the command:
yarn start
It will automatically build the project, run the file watcher and get it up and running using bespoken tools. URL that should be used in the developer console will be in the console. It should look something like this:
Your public URL for accessing your local service:
- (optional) Bespoken proxy is sometimes slow and requests timeout for no reason, to avoid this it is possible to overcome it using ngrok. To use it - just install it according to their guide and run it on port 10000, thus losing bespoken extra logging, but making proxy to run faster. In this case use ngrok provided https link in the developer console instead of bespoken provided one. To run ngrok use the command:
ngrok http 10000
To run tests, run this command:
yarn test
There is .ask config example. To use it, fill out missing info: skillId and lambda ARN.
- To deploy code to lambda run the command:
yarn deploy