
This project is to stream an object detection module (Yolo v3) with 2 cameras (2 channels) on a web browser using Django.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This project is to stream object detection (yolov3) with 2 cameras (2 switchable channels) on web browser using Django framework.

The project can be deployed on Ubuntu and Windows.

Watch final result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDnpNd7xRbE&t=10s

1. Steps to use

  1. Download file "yolov3_coco.pb" from the link below and locate it in folder "yolov3_weight": (gotolink)
  1. Create your virtual environment and install required packages:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run program:
$ python manage.py runserver
  1. Open any web browser and navigate to URL (home page):

2. What should happen then?

(don't worry, my face will not be on your screen)

  • Camera 1:


  • Camera 2:


3. Be careful

  • The 2 camera ids in the source code are "0" and "2" (for my computer).
  • You should change them for running on any other computers. Go to webcam/views.py then find and change "cam_id" parameter.


  • The yolov3 implementation was borrowed from YunYang1994

Good luck.

Created on July 11, 2019.

Last update on July 22, 2021. (because I had received tons of emails for fixing this project, thanks)

Tran Le Anh (LA Tran)